Biochemical Changes in Calcium Chloride Treated Hisar Arun (Local) and Kashi Vishesh (Hybrid) Cultivars of Tomato Fruit

Saumya Mishra*, Veeru Prakash

Department of Biochemistry and Biochemical Engineering, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

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Article Publishing History

Received: 16/07/2018
Accepted: 29/10/2018

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Reviewed by: Dr. Geeta Ibrahim
Second Review by: Mr. Ahmad Mujtaba
Final Approval by: Dr. Dawn C.P. Ambrose

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Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) although, second largest crop produced across the world, is a highly perishable commodity. Consequently, pre and postharvest treatments are critical in order to enhance the shelf-life and nutrition. Therefore, two popular Indian tomato cultivars namely Hisar Arun and Kashi Vishesh in their Mature Green, Breaker and Mature Red stages were treated with 1%, 2% and 5% Calcium chloride in order to increase their shelf life and stored at 5°C, 10°C and 15°C temperatures. The changes in non-enzymatic antioxidants namely ascorbic acid, Lycopene, Carotenoid, and Total Phenol were recorded up to 21 days of storage. Our investigation revealed a linear increase in the ascorbic acid at 5°C when treated with 5% CaCl2 (~40%) while Lycopene (45%) and carotenoids (25%) have shown comparative moderate increment at 10°C storage when treated with 1% CaCl2. Our analysis suggests that low (1%) concentration of CaCl2 is the most effective in controlling the increase of investigated non-enzymatic antioxidants in both cultivars. Moreover, hybrid cultivar tomatoes exhibited delayed deterioration compared with local type and can be recommended for long-time storage.


Ascorbic Acid; Calcium Chloride; Carotenoids; Lycopene; Total Phenols

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Mishra S, Prakash V. Biochemical Changes in Calcium Chloride Treated Hisar Arun (Local) and Kashi Vishesh (Hybrid) Cultivars of Tomato Fruit. Curr Agri Res 2018;6(3).. doi :

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Mishra S, Prakash V. Biochemical Changes in Calcium Chloride Treated Hisar Arun (Local) and Kashi Vishesh (Hybrid) Cultivars of Tomato Fruit. Curr Agri Res 2018;6(3). Available from:


Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) belongs to Solanaceous family, the tomato is utmost extensively used as a food crop. As tomato is a climacteric and perishable vegetable, it is prone to degradation in a small amount of time accounting to be 14 to 21 days.In fact, tomatoes are known to possess a high quantity of sugar and acid contents which are the main factors contributing to its flavor.Keeping the fresh appearance of tomatoes along with its nutrition even after harvesting is an undying task imposed by the consumers. External appearance, quality and nutritional content of tomato fruits can be maintained by controlled storage temperature.Moreover, the temperature controlled environment has been known to have a direct control of the metabolic activities in the tomatoes and thus proven to enhance the shelf life of the tomatoes with preserved nutritional qualities. Further, it is undeniably one of the most significant measures invoked in maintaining and even augmenting the shelf-life of tomatoes.4

Numerous biochemical and physiological processes of fruits and vegetables are controlled by the association of calcium ion which is believed to play a key role in retaining quality. The rate of ethylene production and respiration in tomato fruits reportedly decreased by increasing the level of calcium ions.Thus, treatment of fruits with CaCl2 resulted in improving the firmness of the fruits and decreased deteriorations physiologically thereafter leading to reduced respiration, decrement in ethylene production, and delay in fruit ripening.6 Various investigations revealed that calcium chloride treatment on tomato reduced post-harvest decay quantitatively in terms of development in the lycopene and ascorbic acid content, controlled development of physiological disorders, strengthening of the skin constituting cell walls, and providing the tissues with improved resistance, reduced production of enzymes which thus limit infections, control ripening, and rotting thus inevitably improving the quality and shelf-life of tomato.In parallel, storage temperature is an important factor in maintaining quality and increasing the shelf life of tomatoes by reducing moisture loss and decelerating biochemical changes during ripening. In the context of two varieties of the tomatoes abundantly consumed in India, we conducted the CaCl2 treatment on them to find the optimum storage temperature and biochemical changes for ensuring better quality for consumption with optimized shelf life.

Materials and Methods

The experiments were conducted in the research laboratory of the SHUATS, Allahabad. Two cultivars of tomato fruit(L. esculentum) namely Hisar arun, (a Local variety) and Kashi Vishesh, (a hybrid variety) were harvested from the experimental field of Department of Forestry in SHUATS (25°24’50.4″N, 81°50’58.5″E). Following the color based maturity stages, as prescribed in the USDA color chart,8 we picked the tomatoes corresponding to three particular maturity stages visually namely Green (Mature Green), Breaker and Red (Mature red) and further graded according to shape size, color, and appearance. After grading, tomatoes were washed with water and air dried. Next, the tomatoes were treated with 1%, 2% and5% CaCl2 solution for 15 minutes and stored at 5°C, 10°C, and 15°C temperatures for 21 days, the analysis was done after every 7 days. The storage duration is chosen to be 21 days in order to perform a comprehensive comparison for all the maturity stages of the tomatoes as, after this time duration, the sample of the mature red stage of tomatoes would succumb to degradation and fungal activities. Over-ripened tomatoes of different treatments with the passage of time during storage were excluded from the trial.

Changes in quality of tomato during storage

Ascorbic Acid

The ascorbic acid content was estimated by using spectrophotometric method.The 1.0 g fresh sample was extracted with 10ml of 0.4% freshly prepared oxalic acid and were then centrifuged with 8000 rpm for 20 min. The 3ml solution was maintained by the addition of 1 ml aliquots of supernatant and 2 ml of 0.4% oxalic acid afterward 7 ml of 2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol dye solution was added. The absorbance of the test mixture was recorded instantaneously at 518nm after mixing the test solution properly.Ascorbic acid was estimated using a calibration curve prepared against a highly pure ascorbic acid.


1g of the sample was ground in mortar and pestle with 80% methanol and then centrifuged. The supernatants obtained was concentrated to dryness and dried. The dried residue of the supernatant was then dissolved in 15 ml of diethyl ether. After this, 15 ml 10% methanolic KOH was added for removal of alkali the obtained mixture was then washed with 5% ice-cold saline water. The collective saline washings were extracted with ether (3:15 v/v). Both the ether extract obtained were mixed together and washed till alkali-free with cold water. The alkali-free ether extract was dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 for two hours in the dark. Using Ether as a blank absorbance of filtered alkali-free ether extract were taken at 450nm.10


1.0g of tomato sample, as weighed into a conical flask, was transferred into a volumetric flask and filled with distilled water to reach 100 ml mark. After, proper mixing it was transferred into a separating funnel in which 25ml of petroleum ether was also added. It was shaking vigorously for about 15 minutes. The aqueous layer was run off and the absorbance of petroleum ether layer was recorded at 505nm.11

Total Phenol

1 gm of fresh sample was centrifuged with 10 ml of 50% MeOH: H2O (1:1). 3 ml of test mixture was prepared by the addition of 1 ml of FCR (1 N), 2 ml of freshly prepared 20% Na2CO3 in 1 ml aliquots of the supernatant. The mixture prepared was then mixed properly using cyclomixer and then maintained to 25 ml with water which is then kept at room temperature for 30 minutes. After completing 30 min absorbance was taken at 725 nm. Graphs were prepared using the standardized gallic acid solution of different concentrations and total phenol content have been expressed in mg/100 gmaterial.12

Table 1: Changes in Ascorbic Acid content (mg/100gm FW) during storage under a different condition in CaCl2 treated tomato fruits

Hybrid (Kashi Vishesh)

Local (Hisar Arun)




Mature green


Mature red

Mature green


Mature red






1% CaCl2



0 Day

8.578± 0.274

14.965± 0.479

12.872± 0.412

12.127± 0.388

19.584± 0.627

15.989± 0.512


7 Days

9.327± 0.298

16.128± 0.516

13.804± 0.442

12.865± 0.412

20.266± 0.649

16.838± 0.539

14 Days

10.236± 0.328

17.151± 0.549

15.004± 0.480

13.879± 0.444

21.278± 0.681

17.894± 0.573

21 Days

9.791± 0.313

16.357± 0.523

14.356± 0.459

13.174± 0.422

20.584± 0.659

17.116± 0.548


7 Days

9.772± 0.313

16.808± 0.538

14.460± 0.463

13.251± 0.424

20.613± 0.660

17.298± 0.554

14 Days

10.747± 0.344

17.892± 0.573

15.415± 0.493

14.218± 0.455

21.488± 0.688

18.533± 0.593

21 Days

9.991± 0.320

16.888± 0.540

14.767± 0.473

13.531± 0.433

21.057± 0.674

17.432± 0.558


7 Days

9.821± 0.314

17.187± 0.550

14.705± 0.471

13.498± 0.432

20.911± 0.669

17.468± 0.559

14 Days

10.972± 0.351

18.657± 0.597

16.068± 0.514

14.862± 0.476

22.383± 0.716

18.998± 0.608

21 Days

10.351± 0.331

17.646± 0.565

15.293± 0.489

14.007± 0.448

21.440± 0.686

18.248± 0.584





2% CaCl2



7 Days

9.921± 0.317

16.742± 0.536

14.525± 0.465

13.354± 0.427

21.344± 0.683

17.525± 0.561

14 Days

10.743± 0.344

17.914± 0.573

15.504± 0.496

14.231± 0.455

22.529± 0.721

18.598± 0.595

21 Days

10.248± 0.328

17.264± 0.552

15.067± 0.482

13.864± 0.444

21.913± 0.701

18.078± 0.578


7 Days

10.315± 0.330

17.767± 0.569

15.381± 0.492

14.087± 0.451

22.139± 0.708

18.231± 0.583

14 Days

11.042± 0.353

18.824± 0.602

16.147± 0.517

15.135± 0.484

23.003± 0.736

18.909± 0.605

21 Days

10.448± 0.334

18.013± 0.576

15.561± 0.498

14.420± 0.461

22.181± 0.710

18.326± 0.586


7 Days

10.467± 0.335

18.207± 0.583

15.745± 0.504

14.917± 0.477

22.538± 0.721

18.364± 0.588

14 Days

11.697± 0.374

19.721± 0.631

16.891± 0.541

15.973± 0.511

23.924± 0.766

19.527± 0.625

21 Days

10.991± 0.352

18.578± 0.594

16.384± 0.524

15.343± 0.491

23.104± 0.739

18.995± 0.608





5% CaCl2



7 Days

10.916± 0.349

18.408± 0.589

16.285± 0.521

14.335± 0.459

23.093± 0.739

18.387± 0.588

14 Days

11.717± 0.375

19.331± 0.619

17.175± 0.550

15.062± 0.482

24.033± 0.769

19.273± 0.617

21 Days

11.023± 0.353

18.561± 0.594

16.445± 0.526

14.792± 0.473

23.524± 0.753

18.719± 0.599


7 Days

11.121± 0.356

18.674± 0.598

16.567± 0.530

15.285± 0.489

23.881± 0.764

18.767± 0.601

14 Days

11.998± 0.384

19.625± 0.628

17.380± 0.556

15.883± 0.508

24.624± 0.788

19.732± 0.631

21 Days

11.138± 0.356

18.804± 0.602

16.657± 0.533

15.468± 0.495

23.560± 0.754

18.949± 0.606


7 Days

11.369± 0.364

18.974± 0.607

16.845± 0.539

15.793± 0.505

24.082± 0.771

19.436± 0.622

14 Days

12.695± 0.406

20.424± 0.654

18.286± 0.585

16.668± 0.533

25.014± 0.800

20.299± 0.650

21 Days

11.732± 0.375

19.382± 0.620

17.346± 0.555

16.022± 0.513

24.122± 0.772

19.566± 0.626

All values are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) and are significant at P=<0.05

Statistical analysis

Each treatment has been repeated thrice to reduce human error, which is evident by the similar result obtained with this exercise. All the datasets were next subjected to multifactor ANOVA with SPSS 11.0 for windows. A significant effect was assessed at 5% (p ≤ 0.05) level of significance and the mean was separated using the least significant difference (LSD) procedure.

Results and Discussions

Effect of Calcium Chloride treatment on Ascorbic Acid content of tomatoes:

Figure 1 provides a comprehensive evolution of the two varieties of tomato (named Hisar Arun and Kashi Vishesh) for a duration of 21 days when treated with a varying amount of CaCl2 concentration [1%, 2%, and 5%] and by changing the three storage temperature in the range of 5-15 degrees. For a better representation, while figure 1 shows the evolution derived in the form of relative difference (w.r.t. the value at day zero) in percentage, Table 1 provides the actual values recorded from the experiments. The evolution corresponding to Hisar Arun tomato is plotted with full lines while that corresponding to Kashi Vishesh tomato is shown in dotted. Further, as mentioned earlier, the three stages of tomato are put under investigation namely Mature Green, breaker, and full-ripe as shown in red, blue and green colors, respectively. In general, while we find the percentage increase in the ascorbic acid content in all the investigations, as following, we brief specific characteristics conclusions from this investigation.

 Figure 1 Figure 1: Percent Change in the Ascorbic Acid content during storage in tomato fruits treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 at different storage temperatures.

Click here to View figure


A significant increase in the ascorbic acid content up to 14 days in all stages (Mature Green, Breaker and mature red), temperatures (5°C,10°C and 15°C) and concentrations (1%, 2% and 5 % CaCl2) in both cultivars (Kashi Vishesh and Hisar Arun). On the other hand, storage after 14 days leads to a saturation in the acid content followed by a decreasing trend. From the data, it can be concluded that ascorbic acid content increased on increasing concentration of calcium chloride in all the observed condition. Breaker tomato fruit had the maximum ascorbic acid content followed by mature red and Mature Green. Maximum content (25.014 mg/100g) were found at 5% CaCl2 concentration after 14 days of analysis stored at 15 °C in Hisar Arun variety while minimum (9.327 mg/100g) were found at 1% CaCl2 concentration after 7 days of analysis stored at 5°C in Kashi Vishesh variety. From the figure, treatment with 5% concentration of CaCl2 led to a significantly higher rate (up to 40 %) of increment of the acid in all stages, temperature and both cultivars. The rate of increment was observed higher in the Mature Green stage trailed by mature red and Breaker stage in both cultivars. The rate of increase in the ascorbic acid content was found to be maximum at Mature Green stage T9 (35-45%) in both cultivars however that recorded minimum corresponding to mature red stage of Hisar Arun variety (8%).

As we can see from plot T1, the ascorbic acid content in Mature Green stage increased up to 18 % in Kashi Vishesh variety (10.236 Mg/100g) after 14 days of storage under treatment, while in the case of Hisar Arun variety, it increases up to only 15 % (13.879 mg/100g) in same time interval and then both started decreasing. Mean value of ascorbic acid content to be ranging between 15 to 23mg/100g in tomato fruits.13 Further, the range may vary within 8 and 59 mg/100 based on the cultivar variety, which agrees to the results obtained in our investigation. This reduction of nutrients and deterioration are reported to be instigated by transpiration and respiration, the key physiological processes.14 The non-linear rate of change in the AA content over the storage period of 21 days may be attributed to the oxidation process, which is understood to be caused by the catalyst and oxidizing enzymes.15 Moreover, according to some researchers,the reason for high ascorbic acid content in calcium-treated fruits might be that metabolic activities were fast as compared to that in untreated fruits. In this context, the increase in the content of ascorbic acid as the storage temperature is subject to an increment that is indicative of the fact that fruit is still undergoing the process of ripening,16 while a decrease in the aforementioned content indicates a senescent fruit. The ascorbic acid content in tomato deteriorated from 21.63 mg/100g at the start of the trial, attaining the minimum 13.53 mg/100g in 1.5 % CaCl2 after 9 days of storage.17 In agreement with our findings, ascorbic acid content to be increasing with the ripening of the tomatoes until a stage where the same has shown a decreasing trend.18 This suggests that harvesting the tomatoes at a suitable maturity stage may retain the nutrition level over the long storage period.

Effect of CaCl2 treatment on Carotenoid content in tomatoes during storage:

The lycopene is considered accountable for the bright red color of most fruits e.g. Pineapple, orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry and tomato etc.19 As tomatoes reach to the maturity stage, the carotenoid content decreases. Investigation of carotenoid content for the Hisar Arun and Kashi Vishesh cultivars revealed a generally increasing trend up to 14 days after which it starts decreasing (actual values reported in Table 2).

Table 2: Changes in carotenoids content (mg/100gm FW) during storage under a different condition in CaCl2 treated tomato fruits.


Hybrid (Kashi Vishesh)

Local (Hisar Arun)




Mature green


Mature red

Mature green


Mature red






1% CaCl2



0 Day

48.785 ± 1.561

45.026 ± 1.441

42.573 ± 1.362

58.254 ± 1.864

56.473 ± 1.807

54.797 ± 1.754


7 Days

53.841 ± 1.723

50.179 ± 1.606

48.126 ± 1.540

62.841 ± 2.011

61.165 ± 1.957

59.973 ± 1.919

14 Days

55.425 ± 1.774

51.939 ± 1.662

49.872 ± 1.596

64.244 ± 2.056

62.957 ± 2.015

62.032 ± 1.985

21 Days

54.903 ± 1.757

51.233 ± 1.639

49.029 ± 1.569

63.377 ± 2.028

61.996 ± 1.984

60.739 ± 1.944


7 Days

55.186 ± 1.766

52.103 ± 1.667

49.677 ± 1.590

63.185 ± 2.022

62.672 ± 2.006

61.337 ± 1.963

14 Days

56.643 ± 1.813

53.371 ± 1.708

51.762 ± 1.656

65.372 ± 2.092

64.402 ± 2.061

63.394 ± 2.029

21 Days

55.854 ± 1.787

52.783 ± 1.689

50.768 ± 1.625

63.987 ± 2.048

62.772 ± 2.009

62.487 ± 2.000


7 Days

57.027 ± 1.825

54.153 ± 1.733

51.404 ± 1.645

65.873 ± 2.108

65.657 ± 2.101

63.984 ± 2.047

14 Days

59.340 ± 1.899

56.503 ± 1.808

54.116 ± 1.732

67.459 ± 2.159

67.031 ± 2.145

65.436 ± 2.094

21 Days

58.142 ± 1.861

54.503 ± 1.744

51.852 ± 1.659

65.191 ± 2.086

66.257 ± 2.120

64.271 ± 2.057





2% CaCl2



7 Days

51.826 ± 1.658

48.626 ± 1.556

47.043 ± 1.505

60.842 ± 1.947

59.583 ± 1.907

58.273 ± 1.865

14 Days

53.735 ± 1.720

49.864 ± 1.596

48.358 ± 1.547

62.503 ± 2.000

60.879 ± 1.948

59.616 ± 1.908

21 Days

52.627 ± 1.684

49.172 ± 1.574

47.762 ± 1.528

61.317 ± 1.962

59.942 ± 1.918

58.779 ± 1.881


7 Days

53.176 ± 1.702

49.827 ± 1.594

48.687 ± 1.558

62.427 ± 1.998

60.847 ± 1.947

59.815 ± 1.914

14 Days

55.391 ± 1.773

51.871 ± 1.660

50.968 ± 1.631

64.103 ± 2.051

62.736 ± 2.008

61.937 ± 1.982

21 Days

54.269 ± 1.737

50.593 ± 1.619

49.415 ± 1.581

63.097 ± 2.019

61.916 ± 1.981

60.525 ± 1.937


7 Days

55.943 ± 1.790

52.513 ± 1.680

51.557 ± 1.650

63.715 ± 2.039

62.548 ± 2.002

60.716 ± 1.943

14 Days

57.917 ± 1.853

54.076 ± 1.730

53.539 ± 1.713

65.402 ± 2.093

64.503 ± 2.064

62.843 ± 2.011

21 Days

56.356 ± 1.803

53.456 ± 1.711

52.392 ± 1.677

64.371 ± 2.060

63.643 ± 2.037

62.097 ± 1.987





5% CaCl2



7 Days

51.359 ± 1.643

47.975 ± 1.535

45.932 ± 1.470

60.467 ± 1.935

58.952 ± 1.886

57.667 ± 1.845

14 Days

52.772 ± 1.689

49.125 ± 1.572

47.022 ± 1.505

62.356 ± 1.995

60.626 ± 1.940

59.203 ± 1.894

21 Days

51.923 ± 1.662

48.543 ± 1.553

46.577 ± 1.490

61.268 ± 1.961

59.742 ± 1.912

58.419 ± 1.869


7 Days

51.416 ± 1.645

48.904 ± 1.565

47.831 ± 1.531

60.974 ± 1.951

59.649 ± 1.909

58.654 ± 1.877

14 Days

53.027 ± 1.697

50.473 ± 1.615

49.274 ± 1.577

63.279 ± 2.025

61.803 ± 1.978

60.775 ± 1.945

21 Days

52.256 ± 1.672

49.819 ± 1.594

48.721 ± 1.559

61.441 ± 1.966

60.723 ± 1.943

59.842 ± 1.915


7 Days

53.404 ± 1.709

50.772 ± 1.625

49.331 ± 1.579

62.917 ± 2.013

62.916 ± 2.013

62.218 ± 1.991

14 Days

55.768 ± 1.785

53.816 ± 1.722

51.831 ± 1.659

65.826 ± 2.106

65.843 ± 2.107

64.389 ± 2.060

21 Days

54.265 ± 1.736

51.513 ± 1.648

50.319 ± 1.610

64.362 ± 2.060

63.402 ± 2.029

62.747 ± 2.008


 Figure 2 Figure 2: Percent change in the Carotenoid content during storage in tomato fruits treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 at different storage temperatures.

Click here to View table


Rates of increment were found to be higher in the mature red stage of Hisar Arun variety in all set of observations. From the figure 2, it can be concluded that on increasing concentration of calcium chloride, the rate of increment slows down as noted in T3 where the percentage increase is up to 27% while in T9 the same reached only up to 21%. Further, the temperature is found to play an important role in affecting carotenoid’s content during storage. At temperature 5°C the content increases slowly (8-16%) followed by that resulted for 10°C temperature (15-22%) while that corresponding to 15°C revealed maximum increment (20-27%). After 14 days of storage, carotenoids content start decreasing in all the samples under study. The increase in carotenoids can be attributed to the unmasking of the carotenoids following chlorophyll degradation during ripening of tomatoes.17 A similar trend in the carotenoids has been reported in mangoes and passions fruits.20

Effect of CaCl2 treatment on Lycopene content in tomatoes during storage

 Figure 3 Figure 3: Percent change in the Lycopene content during storage in tomato fruits treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 at different storage temperatures

Click here to View table


The investigation of Lycopene content is crucial as the same is found to increases in tomato fruits during ripening. The evolution of the Lycopene content, recorded over a period of 21 days for which the tomatoes were stored, is shown in figure 3 (actual experimentally recorded values are given in Table 3).The overall evolution enables us to note that during primary stages of ripening, lycopene content progressively increased while after a certain level, the same started decreasing. Similar trends were also found in the investigation of ascorbic acid content. Lycopene content increased relatively slowly in the Kashi Vishesh variety compared with that of the Hisar Arun variety at each level of concentration, temperature, and days of storage. Further, the rate of increment in the lycopene content after 21 days of storage was found to be maximum (~ 65%) in T9 while minimum (~33%) in T1 corresponding to the Mature Green stage of Hisar Arun variety. Moreover, lycopene content is found to be maximum in all the stages treated with 5% CaCl2 followed by that for 2% CaCl2 and then for 1% concentration of CaCl2.Minimum lycopene content with the value of 0.03mg/100g in fruit when treated with 1% CaCl2 followed by 3% CaCl2 with a value of 0.06 mg/ 100g,21 in agreement to the rate of increment of the lycopene content recorded in our analysis. Further, thermal processing of tomatoes, the increase in the extractable lycopene content in processed products when compared with the fresh tomatoes.21 The change in lycopene content in the fruits and vegetables may be attributed to its reaction with free radicals. This results in disruption of polyene chain.22,23

Table 3: Changes in Lycopene content (mg/1000gm FW) during storage under a different condition in CaCl2 treated tomato fruits.


Hybrid (Kashi Vishesh)

Local (Hisar Arun)




Mature green


Mature red

Mature green


Mature red






1% CaCl2



0 Day

15.651±  1.424

25.456±  2.316

34.144±  3.107

20.951±  1.907

36.482±  3.320

45.009±  4.096


7 Days

17.953±  1.634

27.712±  2.522

35.610±  3.241

24.850±  2.261

41.951±  3.818

48.427±  4.407

14 Days

19.246±  1.751

28.903±  2.630

36.451±  3.317

26.635±  2.424

43.512±  3.960

49.955±  4.546

21 Days

20.122±  1.831

29.704±  2.703

35.961±  3.272

27.958±  2.544

44.953±  4.091

49.334±  4.489


7 Days

19.545±  1.779

28.627±  2.605

36.843±  3.353

27.241±  2.479

42.273±  3.847

49.008±  4.460

14 Days

20.849±  1.897

30.546±  2.780

38.285±  3.484

28.632±  2.606

44.331±  4.034

51.959±  4.728

21 Days

21.879±  1.991

31.485±  2.865

37.221±  3.387

29.876±  2.719

45.762±  4.164

49.754±  4.528


7 Days

21.111±  1.921

30.635±  2.788

38.025±  3.460

28.881±  2.628

45.031±  4.098

52.178±  4.748

14 Days

22.162±  2.017

32.273±  2.937

39.241±  3.571

30.421±  2.768

46.911±  4.269

53.337±  4.854

21 Days

23.024±  2.095

32.741±  2.979

38.661±  3.518

31.568±  2.873

48.522±  4.416

52.603±  4.787





2% CaCl2



7 Days

19.382±  1.764

27.524±  2.505

35.901±  3.267

26.447±  2.407

41.422±  3.769

48.115±  4.378

14 Days

20.272±  1.845

28.733±  2.615

36.291±  3.302

27.431±  2.496

42.756±  3.891

49.028±  4.462

21 Days

21.191±  1.928

29.412±  2.676

35.983±  3.274

28.562±  2.599

43.932±  3.998

48.819±  4.443


7 Days

19.114±  1.739

28.142±  2.561

35.952±  3.272

26.863±  2.445

42.345±  3.853

49.421±  4.497

14 Days

19.747±  1.797

29.214±  2.658

37.714±  3.432

27.889±  2.538

43.886±  3.994

51.038±  4.644

21 Days

21.003±  1.911

30.423±  2.768

37.333±  3.397

29.577±  2.692

45.112±  4.105

50.370±  4.584


7 Days

20.324±  1.849

29.152±  2.653

36.643±  3.335

28.723±  2.614

42.475±  3.865

49.867±  4.538

14 Days

21.049±  1.915

30.136±  2.742

38.186±  3.475

29.816±  2.713

44.833±  4.080

51.843±  4.718

21 Days

21.924±  1.995

31.681±  2.883

37.752±  3.435

31.452±  2.862

46.699±  4.250

50.991±  4.640





5% CaCl2



7 Days

21.236±  1.932

28.835±  2.624

34.872±  3.173

28.754±  2.617

45.676±  4.157

48.114±  4.378

14 Days

22.445±  2.042

29.726±  2.705

36.203±  3.294

30.093±  2.738

46.933±  4.271

49.431±  4.498

21 Days

23.675±  2.154

30.963±  2.818

35.873±  3.264

31.876±  2.901

47.751±  4.345

48.873±  4.447


7 Days

21.387±  1.946

28.923±  2.632

35.443±  3.225

31.123±  2.832

46.454±  4.227

48.721±  4.434

14 Days

23.564±  2.144

30.148±  2.743

37.745±  3.435

32.372±  2.946

47.939±  4.362

50.314±  4.579

21 Days

24.881±  2.264

31.581±  2.874

36.903±  3.358

33.601±  3.058

48.862±  4.446

49.741±  4.526


7 Days

22.920±  2.086

29.851±  2.716

36.773±  3.346

32.611±  2.968

48.099±  4.377

49.393±  4.495

14 Days

25.125±  2.286

31.317±  2.850

38.354±  3.490

34.433±  3.133

49.585±  4.512

50.925±  4.634

21 Days

26.802±  2.439

32.094±  2.921

38.002±  3.458

35.991±  3.275

50.363±  4.583

49.772±  4.529

Effect of CaCl2 treatment on the Total Phenol content in tomatoes during storage

It is crucial to quantify the post-harvest change in the total phenol content of tomatoes as such extensively distributed naturally occurring substance in fruits and vegetables have the capability of scavenging superoxide and hydroxyl radical. In this regard, as shown in Figure 4, the percentage difference of total phenol content, as determined in the two varieties of the tomatoes, treated with 1%, 2% and 5% CaCl2 and subsequently stored at various temperature for 21 days while the actual recorded values of TP content are provided in Table 4. In general, we found an increasing trend until 14 days of storage in the total phenol content in tomato in the course of ripening. In particular, the same have shown a significant increase in the fruits, which were treated with 1% calcium chloride and stored at 5° C during the entire analysis. According to many authors, during initial progression phase, a reduction was found in total phenolics content in fruits where the fruit is dignified to be physiologically mature and thus prone to initiation of ripening. The presence of higher concentration of phenolics during the early stage of development provides a protection mechanism to the phytohormones like auxins, gibberellin, and cytokines,24 which plays an important role in cell division and cell enlargement. In the present investigation, the rate of falling of total phenolic was maximum (25%-10%) in T9 where the elevation rate was also large in all maturity stages in both cultivars. From the figure, we can evaluate that on increasing concentration of calcium chloride from 1% to 5%, the rate of increase of total phenolic content enhanced during storage in all maturity stages.

Table 4: Changes in Total Phenol content (mg/100gm FW) during storage under a different condition in CaCl2 treated tomato fruits.


Hybrid (Kashi Vishesh)

Local (Hisar Arun)




Mature green


Mature red

Mature green


Mature red






1% CaCl2



0 Day

12.591± 0.755

10.876± 0.653

9.231± 0.554

16.771± 1.006

14.663± 0.880

10.997± 0.660


7 Days

12.660± 0.760

10.982± 0.659

9.348± 0.561

17.215± 1.033

15.174± 0.910

11.453± 0.687

14 Days

12.714± 0.763

11.031± 0.662

9.404± 0.564

17.476± 1.049

15.416± 0.925

11.654± 0.699

21 Days

12.626± 0.758

10.934± 0.656

9.299± 0.558

16.975± 1.018

14.909± 0.895

11.213± 0.673


7 Days

12.819± 0.769

11.155± 0.669

9.573± 0.574

17.634± 1.058

15.511± 0.931

11.750± 0.705

14 Days

12.885± 0.773

11.252± 0.675

9.689± 0.581

17.966± 1.078

15.787± 0.947

11.942± 0.717

21 Days

12.740± 0.764

11.074± 0.664

9.449± 0.567

17.307± 1.038

15.193± 0.912

11.498± 0.690


7 Days

12.925± 0.775

11.290± 0.677

9.713± 0.583

18.135± 1.088

16.080± 0.965

12.167± 0.730

14 Days

13.060± 0.784

11.437± 0.686

9.867± 0.592

18.746± 1.125

16.628± 0.998

12.595± 0.756

21 Days

12.801± 0.768

11.197± 0.672

9.606± 0.576

17.693± 1.062

15.703± 0.942

11.878± 0.713





2% CaCl2



7 Days

12.881± 0.773

11.213± 0.673

9.614± 0.577

17.603± 1.056

15.538± 0.932

11.747± 0.705

14 Days

13.044± 0.783

11.359± 0.682

9.750± 0.585

18.035± 1.082

15.981± 0.959

12.083± 0.725

21 Days

12.746± 0.765

11.076± 0.665

9.471± 0.568

17.255± 1.035

15.151± 0.909

11.448± 0.687


7 Days

13.012± 0.781

11.317± 0.679

9.688± 0.581

18.079± 1.085

15.908± 0.955

11.987± 0.719

14 Days

13.202± 0.792

11.498± 0.690

9.849± 0.591

18.531± 1.112

16.333± 0.980

12.317± 0.739

21 Days

12.822± 0.769

11.150± 0.669

9.541± 0.572

17.731± 1.064

15.582± 0.935

11.717± 0.703


7 Days

13.470± 0.808

11.764± 0.706

10.091± 0.605

18.990± 1.139

16.743± 1.005

12.732± 0.764

14 Days

13.717± 0.823

11.988± 0.719

10.278± 0.617

19.570± 1.174

17.244± 1.035

13.026± 0.782

21 Days

13.147± 0.789

11.470± 0.688

9.828± 0.590

18.342± 1.101

16.173± 0.970

12.215± 0.733





5% CaCl2



7 Days

13.041± 0.782

11.338± 0.680

9.689± 0.581

18.025± 1.081

15.930± 0.956

12.029± 0.722

14 Days

13.246± 0.795

11.519± 0.691

9.850± 0.591

18.563± 1.114

16.395± 0.984

12.443± 0.747

21 Days

12.862± 0.772

11.167± 0.670

9.508± 0.570

17.610± 1.057

15.534± 0.932

11.706± 0.702


7 Days

13.346± 0.801

11.657± 0.699

10.000± 0.600

18.918± 1.135

16.786± 1.007

12.715± 0.763

14 Days

13.677± 0.821

11.911± 0.715

10.234± 0.614

19.604± 1.176

17.387± 1.043

13.170± 0.790

21 Days

13.145± 0.789

11.426± 0.686

9.773± 0.586

18.265± 1.096

16.137± 0.968

12.179± 0.731


7 Days

13.648± 0.819

11.969± 0.718

10.292± 0.618

19.465± 1.168

17.270± 1.036

13.117± 0.787

14 Days

14.093± 0.846

12.307± 0.738

10.565± 0.634

20.346± 1.221

18.040± 1.082

13.719± 0.823

21 Days

13.155± 0.789

11.485± 0.689

9.896± 0.594

18.763± 1.126

16.554± 0.993

12.527± 0.752

All values are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) and are significant at P=<0.05

Figure 4 Figure 4: Percent change in the total phenol content during storage in tomato fruits treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 at different storage temperatures

Click here to View table


In particular, tomato fruits stored at 5°C depict slower increase rates in total phenol content in all treated samples. Soluble phenolic contents are understood to be accumulated in the main compartment of a cell namely vacuole. The effect of storage temperature reflects in the form of building up of toxic intermediate in cells owing to change in the cell membrane permeability and activity of an enzyme associated with the membrane.25 This explains the increment of total phenol content recorded in our investigation. Moreover, calcium prevents senescence-induced stress by main­taining the strength of its membrane,and thus delays the release of phenolic compounds.


Tomato is used as an integral part of the human diet. Being a climacteric fruit, the tomato is prone to irreversible changes leading to a reduction in its shelf life. Therefore, this paper investigated the evolution of non-enzymatic antioxidants of the two most commonly consumed Indian tomato cultivars namely Hisar Arun (a Local variety), and Kashi Vishesh (a hybrid variety) which were harvested at different maturity stages namely Mature green, Breaker, and Mature red and treated with varied concentration (1%, 2% and 5 %) of calcium chloride (CalCl2) at various storage temperatures 5°C,10°C and 15°C. Changes in Ascorbic acid, Lycopene, Carotenoid, and Total Phenol contents were recorded during storage and it was found that above mentioned non-enzymatic antioxidants except carotenoids increased till 14 days after which there was a decline in the quality of the parameters.  On the other hand, carotenoid content in tomatoes increased up to 21 days for all maturity stages. It is to note that the rate of increase in the carotenoid content is found to be high for the mature red stage in comparison to the mature green stage.

In conclusion, tomato fruits harvested at breaker stage retained the significantly higher amount of Ascorbic Acid after 14 days of storage compared to fruit harvested at the mature green and red stage. Additionally, our investigations are suggestive of 1% CaCl2 treatment to be the most effective in terms of offering a definitive control in the rate of evolution of non-enzymatic antioxidants of the tomatoes such as lycopene and carotenoids. Further, although Hisar Arun (Local) variety is found to retain more nutritional content than Kashi Vishesh (hybrid) variety, latter shows higher shelf life.


The authors would like to acknowledge the anonymous reviewers and the scientific editors for their comments which surely improved the scientific clarity of this paper.


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