Pulses are the second most important group of crops after cereals. These are rich source of protein in vegetarian diet which contains around 20-30% protein.1 Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) has occupied a prominent position among major pulses. Mainly soil-borne pathogens cause major losses in chickpea yield. Dry root rot caused by Rhizoctonia bataticola, collar rot by Sclerotium rolfsii and wilt by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris, wet root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani, are the major diseases of chickpea caused by soil borne pathogens. According to some reports suggested that dry root rot (DRR) is emerging as a potential threat to chickpea production.2,3 The disease commonly appears all over the podding and flowering stage. Most noticeable symptom of dry root rot is impulsive drying of the entire plant disseminated around the field. Yellowing and drooping of petioles and leaves on the tip only occurs at later stage. Shows sign of rotting and the tap root turns black and later lacking of lateral and finer roots. The dead roots were fragile and show mincing of bark and crosswise roots. Earlier, dry root rot was not that significant in chickpea. Though, in recent years due to changing weather conditions, extended drought hexes,it has become a major menace to production of chickpea. As a cost effective option bio controls are ecologically environment friendly. So, the present research has been commenced to assess the effects of Trichoderma sp. keeping in view the severity and losses caused by dry root rot disease.
Trichoderma species are widely distributed in nature, extending from tundra to humid ecosystems. Their capability to flourish in varied regions can be ascribed to their diverse metabolic competences and natural competitive bellicosity. Trichoderma spp. possesses a extensive range of survival and proliferation mechanisms, including physical attack and degradation of other fungi, as well as the consumption of complex carbohydrates. Attributable to these characteristics, Trichoderma spp. Embraces substantial economic importance and is exploited in numerous marketable applications for instance industrial enzyme production, antibiotic production, heterologous protein expression, and biocontrol of plant pathogenic fungi.4The biocontrol potential of Trichoderma was first acknowledged in the initial 1930s. Subsequently then, widespread exploration has been steered on this genus as an antagonist against soil-borne plant pathogens, including Rhizoctonia bataticola, the causative agent of Dry root rot of chickpea.
This biological control operates through various mechanisms, including the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes.4 Extensive research has been conducted on the mechanism of mycoparasitism. Several genomic and proteomic studies have been done to determinenovel hydrolytic enzymes.5,6 These studies have also aimed to understand the synergistic effects between dissimilar hydrolytic enzymes and antibiotics7, in addition to examine cell signalling throughout the formation of cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs).8 Regardless of the application of different methodologies to reconnoitre the multiplicity of Trichoderma species and their biocontrol potential, there have been limited publications on the molecular and physiological studies of CWDEs.
Therefore, present research work aimed to characterize CWDE production and to find out the potential isolates of Trichoderma isolated from pulses rhizospheric areas of Uttar Pradesh with high biocontrol potential, plant growth promotion ability by improving the soil quality and restricting Dry root rot of chickpea.
Materials and Methods
Collection of Soil Samples from Pulses Rhizosphere
Wide-ranging collection of 76 soil samples was done from diverse rhizospheric areas of Uttar Pradesh following the methods by9 during 2021-2022. (Table1.)
Isolation of Trichoderma from Rhizospheric Soil
Isolation was done using serial dilution technique suggested by.10 On Trichoderma Selective media.11,12 Each soil samples were prepared and 100µl of dilution sample was spread on TSM culture media (MgSO4 0.2g, K2HPO4 0.9g, KCl 0.15g, NH4NO3 3g, Glucose/ Dextrose 3g, Chloramphenicol 0.25g, Fenaminosulf 0.305g, PCNB 0.20g, Rose Bengal 0.15g, Agar 18g, distilled water 1000ml, pH 7)13. Plates were incubated at 28˚± 2 for 3 days and then observed for the growth of morphologically different colonies appearing on the plate. The selected colonies were further purified on the PDA plates and preserved at 4˚C.
Purification of Trichoderma Isolates
Trichoderma isolates were extracted and purified by single spore culture. The spores of the Trichoderma isolates were inoculated on petriplates with Potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium.14
Morphological Characterization of Trichoderma Isolates
Mycelial growth of Trichoderma isolates were studied by the method given by.15 Each isolates were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) for 4-5 days. After 48 hours of inoculation morphological parameters were measured and observed. The type of shape, growth habit, kind of colour and firmness for each Trichoderma isolates were examined day by day.14
Measurement of Spore Density
Ten days old conidial suspension of Trichoderma isolates were taken in a beaker and stirred in shaker to determine spore density. Volume of Beaker with conidial suspension of Trichoderma isolates was maintained 500 ml with sterile water and 1 drop Tween-20 (act as spreader) was added to it and stirred well to dissolve. To count spore desnsity,1 drop of conidial suspension was taken on the center of hem cytometer and a cover slip was placed on it. Under 40X microscopic lens, spores were counted. Average number of spore per unit cell used in the following formula, the number of spore per 1 ml was determined.16
Number of spores per cubic mm sporulation = (Number of sporulation x Dilution/number of smaller square counted) x 4000
Extraction of DNA and PCR Amplification Sequencing and DNA Analysis of Trichoderma Strains
Liquid culture of Trichoderma strains were grown in potato dextrose broth (Himedia) and maintained on a rotary shaker at 25-28°C for 5 days. After one week mycelial mat was filtered to use for CTAB method for the DNA isolation. Purity and quantity of DNA of each isolates were checked by gel electrophoresis, determined with the nano drop spectrophotometer and the DNA concentration was observed 10ngul-1. PCR and sequencing was used to amplify ITS region 1and 4 of the rRNA gene cluster, and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1), TEF 728R (CAT CGA GAA GTT CGA GAA GG) & 986F (TAC TTG AAG GAA CCC TTA CC) The ITS region was amplified using the following programme; 3 min at 94°C followed by 35 cycles each of 30sec at 94°C, 30sec at 55°C, 1 min at 72°C and, finally, 10 min at 72°C. For tef amplification following programme; 5 min at 94°C followed by 30 cycles each of 1 min at 94°C, 1min at 56.4°C, 1 min at 72°C and finally, 5 min at 72°C. The amplified products were analyzed by electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel in 1 X TAE buffer at 60 volt, molecular marker used was of 1 kb.
The raw sequence FASTA files of ITS1 and ITS4, tef were checked for quality, trimmed, amended and accumulated using CLC Genomics Workbench 7.5 (CLCBio, Aarhus, Denmark).17
The ITS and tef sequences of the Trichoderma isolates were aligned with the reference sequences of Trichoderma obtained from NCBI database using Clustal W software Ver. 2.0 and MEGA software for phylogenetic tree construction.
Identification of Trichoderma Isolates for their Antagonistic Activity
Evaluation of Trichoderma isolates were doneunder in vitro condition for their antagonistic effects against Rhizoctonia bataticola through dual culture technique.18 The dominance effect of Trichoderma spp. wasassessedby the per cent mycelial inhibition of R. bataticola by the following formula.19
Per cent Inhibition of Radial Growth (PIRG) = R1- R2 x 100% /R1
R1 = Radial growth of R. bataticola without Trichoderma isolates in the particular plate (control) R2 = Radial growth of R. bataticola with Trichoderma isolates (treatment). Triple replication was used for each treatment.
Enzyme production and enzymatic assays
Chitinolytic Enzyme Assay
Chitinolytic activity of Trichoderma strains were observed using chitinase detection medium.20 The fresh culture of Trichoderma were inoculated into the decontaminated plates having chitinase detection medium and incubated at 28 ± 2 °C for 2–3 days and witnessed violet coloured zone creation. The violet coloured zone was measured in mm indicating lower to higher Chitinolytic activity, + (1-20mm), ++ (21-39mm), +++ (40-44 mm), ++++ (>40 mm) and – ( no zone).21
Estimation of Siderophore
The capability of Trichoderma spp. to produce Siderophore was identified in Chrome Azurol S (C.A.S) assay.22 5 mm discs of seven days old culture of Trichoderma strains were inoculated in culture medium. The plates were incubated at 28 ± 2°C for 6-7 days. Colour changed to magenta in the C.A.S. blue agar. The uninoculated control plates were incubated under the same conditions. Each treatment was replicated three times. Three replications for each treatment were designed.23
Phosphate Solubilizing Trichoderma Strains
Twenty one strains exerted ability for phosphate Solubilization on Pikovskaya medium with different efficacy. All the isolates of Trichoderma spp. were evaluated for phosphate solubilization on modified Pikovskaya’s agar supplemented with bromocresol purple (100.0 mg/L). 5 mm mycelial disc of each Trichoderma isolates was placed on the center of agar plate and incubated at room temperature for 7 days. The activity of phosphate solubilizing Trichoderma strains observed as the agar plate yellow from purple zones of acidification.24
Screening for Cellulolytic Activity
Trichoderma strains were grown on the Czapek’s-Mineral Salt Agar Medium suggested by.25 5-day old fungal culture of each strain separated then inoculated on the medium and incubated at 25 ± 2°C for 5-7 days. The aqueous Congo red (2% w/v) solution was flooded on the inoculated plates for 15min. Then, after washing with distilled water, plates were flooded with NaCl (1 M) for 1.5 min. Formation of Whitish-yellow area around the colonies was observed by the production of cellulase. Clear zone and diameter of the colony were measured.
Screening of Amylase Producing Trichoderma Using Starch Agar Plate
Screening of amylase producing Trichoderma was done by using starch agar (containing 1% starch and 2% agar) plate method.26 The sterilized medium was poured to Petri dishes and inoculated with 5-day old culture of each strain. The plates kept for incubation for 48 hrs at 28°C. The plates were flooded with 1% of iodine solution for 5 min after incubation. Then, they were washed with distilled water to remove the excess iodine solution. Highest zone of clearance was observed and selected as potential strain.
Collection of Isolation of Trichoderma Isolates form Rhizospheric Areas of Uttar Pradesh
A total number of 21 Trichoderma isolates were successfully isolated. 13 isolates namely TR9, TR10, TR11, TR12, TR13, TR14, TR15, TR16, TR17, TR18, TR19, TR20 and TR21 were from Kanpur, UP while TR1, TR2 and TR6 from Chitrakoot, MP, while TR7 and TR8 were from Orcha, Jhansi and TR3 Badausa, UP, TR4 Fatehpur, UP and TR5 from Unnao, UP. (Table 1).
Table 1: Details of isolated Trichoderma isolates with respective code, isolation district, block, crop field.
S.No |
Isolate Code |
Area/ District |
Rhizospheric soil |
1 |
TR1 |
25.12.930 |
80.51.004 |
2 |
TR2 |
25.12.930 |
80.51.004 |
3 |
TR3 |
25.12.877 |
80.46.882 |
4 |
TR4 |
26.40.819 |
80.11.353 |
5 |
TR5 |
6 |
TR6 |
25.12.930 |
80.51.004 |
7 |
TR7 |
25.35N |
78.65E |
8 |
TR8 |
25.35N |
78.65E |
9 |
TR9 |
26.50N |
80.25E |
10 |
TR10 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
11 |
TR11 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
12 |
TR12 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
13 |
TR13 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
14 |
TR14 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
15 |
TR15 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
16 |
TR16 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
17 |
TR17 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
18 |
TR18 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
19 |
TR19 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
20 |
TR20 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
21 |
TR21 |
26.49N |
80.28E |
Morphological Characterization of Trichoderma spp.
As earlier studies say that many Trichoderma spp. are distinctly diverged on their cultural and morphological characters. Linear growth of mycelia ranged from 29.91 mm to 90.00 mmat 28±1ºC. Based on morphology, isolates were divided into four groups. (Table2).27 conducted a similar study in Hebron University, Palestine.
Table 2: Morphological features of Trichoderma isolates used during the study |
Trichoderma strains |
Shape |
Colour |
Growth Pattern |
Colony evenness |
1 |
TR1 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Medium |
compact |
2 |
TR2 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Fast |
compact |
3 |
TR3 |
Regular |
Green |
Fast |
Very compact |
4 |
TR4 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Medium |
Compact |
5 |
TR5 |
Regular |
Light Green |
Fast |
compact |
6 |
TR6 |
Regular |
Whitish Green |
Slow |
Loose |
7 |
TR7 |
Regular |
Light Green |
Fast |
compact |
8 |
TR8 |
Regular |
Whitish Green |
Medium |
compact |
9 |
TR9 |
Regular |
Green |
Fast |
Very compact |
10 |
TR10 |
Regular |
Yellowish Green |
Fast |
Very compact |
11 |
TR11 |
Regular |
Dark green |
Medium |
compact |
12 |
TR12 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Medium |
Loose |
13 |
TR13 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Fast |
Scattered |
14 |
TR14 |
Regular |
Light Green |
Fast |
Scattered |
15 |
TR15 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Medium |
Compact |
16 |
TR16 |
Regular |
Light Green |
Fast |
Loose |
17 |
TR17 |
Regular |
Whitish yellow |
Slow |
Loose |
18 |
TR18 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Medium |
Very compact |
19 |
TR19 |
Regular |
Whitish Green |
Medium |
Loose |
20 |
TR20 |
Regular |
Light Green |
Medium |
Compact |
21 |
TR21 |
Regular |
Dark Green |
Fast |
Very compact |
Molecular Characterization of Trichoderma Isolates
Molecular identification based on ITS and Tef genes confirmed that the isolates belong to six genera Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Trichoderma asperellum, Trichoderma asperelloides, Trichoderma brevicompactum and Trichoderma afroharzianum. The results of the phylogenetic analysis based on the ITS and Tef gene sequences are given in the figure-1.
Table 3: Trichoderma identified and submitted to NCBI having Accession number
S.No |
Trichoderma identified |
Isolate |
ITS Gene |
TEF Gene |
1. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR1 |
OP938770 |
OP948258 |
2. |
Trichoderma asperelloides |
TR2 |
OP938771 |
OP948259 |
3. |
Trichoderma brevicompactum |
TR3 |
OP938772 |
OP948260 |
4. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR4 |
OP938773 |
OP948261 |
5. |
Trichoderma harzianum |
TR5 |
OP938774 |
OP948262 |
6. |
Trichoderma longibrachiatum |
TR6 |
OP938775 |
OP948263 |
7. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR7 |
OP938776 |
OP948264 |
8. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR8 |
OP938777 |
OP948265 |
9. |
Trichoderma longibrachiatum |
TR9 |
OP938778 |
OP948266 |
10. |
Trichoderma longibrachiatum |
TR10 |
OP938779 |
OP948267 |
11. |
Trichoderma afroharzianum |
TR11 |
OP938780 |
OP948268 |
12. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR12 |
OP938781 |
OP948269 |
13. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR13 |
OP938782 |
OP948270 |
14. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR14 |
OP938783 |
OP948271 |
15. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR15 |
OP938784 |
OP948272 |
16. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR16 |
OP938785 |
OP948273 |
17. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR17 |
OP938786 |
OP948274 |
18. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR18 |
OP938787 |
OP948275 |
19. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR19 |
OP938788 |
OP948276 |
20. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR20 |
OP938789 |
OP948277 |
21. |
Trichoderma asperellum |
TR21 |
OP938790 |
OP948278 |
![]() |
Figure 1: Phylogenetic tree constructed by the neighbour-joining method derived from analysis of the ITS gene sequence of Trichoderma isolates and related sequences obtained from NCBI |
![]() |
Figure 2: Phylogenetic tree constructed by the neighbour-joining method derived from analysis of the TEF gene sequence of Trichoderma isolates and related sequences obtained from NCBI |
Identification of Trichoderma Isolates for their Antagonistic Potential
Evaluation of antagonistic effect of Trichoderma isolates against Rhizoctonia bataticola using dual culture tests showed that 11 isolates Tr5, Tr6, Tr8, Tr9, Tr10, Tr11, Tr13, Tr16, Tr17, Tr20 and Tr21reduced the mycelial growth of R. bataticola more than 70% (Table 4). Maximum mycelial inhibition was 76.48% by isolate Tr17 and 75.85 % by Tr13. Ten isolates inhibited mycelial growth of R. bataticola more than 50% but less than 70%. The isolates overgrew on the R. bataticola colonies which had irregular morphology and were lysing indicating the incidence of strong mycoparasitism.
Table 4: Antagonistic potential of Trichoderma isolates against Rhizoctonia bataticola
Trichoderma Isolates |
Inhibition % of Rhizoctonia bataticola |
TR1 |
65.26g |
TR2 |
65.33g |
TR3 |
60.3h |
TR4 |
65.48g |
TR5 |
70.04de |
TR6 |
70.41de |
TR7 |
56.11i |
TR8 |
70.7d |
TR9 |
71.81cd |
TR10 |
74.56abc |
TR11 |
72.78bcd |
TR12 |
66.93efg |
TR13 |
75.85ab |
TR14 |
65.74fg |
TR15 |
66.78efg |
TR16 |
72.78bcd |
TR17 |
76.48a |
TR18 |
59.04hi |
TR19 |
69.26def |
TR20 |
74.63abc |
T21 |
70.96cd |
Control |
0j |
* Values are mean of three replications
Chitinolytic activity by Trichoderma isolates
The maximum chitinase was produced by only five isolates Tr17, Tr13, Tr20, Tr10 and Tr11. These isolates measured violet colour zone more than 4.5 cm after 3 days of incubation. Seven isolates produced violet zone ranging from 4.0 to 4.4 cm; seven isolates produced violet zone ranging from 2.1-3.9 cm. Two isolates did not produce chitinase at all (Table 5).
Table 5: Screening of Trichoderma isolates for Chitinase production on solid medium supplemented with colloidal chitin
Chitinolytic activity |
Tr17 |
+++ |
Tr13 |
+++ |
Tr20 |
+++ |
Tr10 |
+++ |
Tr11 |
+++ |
Tr12 |
++ |
Tr19 |
++ |
Tr16 |
++ |
Tr15 |
++ |
Tr14 |
++ |
Tr3 |
++ |
Tr2 |
++ |
Tr1 |
+ |
Tr4 |
+ |
Tr21 |
+ |
Tr6 |
+ |
Tr9 |
+ |
Tr8 |
+ |
Tr5 |
+ |
Tr7 |
– |
Tr18 |
– |
Siderophore Estimation
Results showed that Trichoderma isolates produced siderophores. However, the siderophore production varied in different isolates. Maximum production was observed in three isolates Tr10, Tr11 and Tr17 (change in colour zone more than 18 mm). Four isolates did not produce the siderophore. The colour changed zone was measured more than 3.5 mm but less than 16.5 mm in 12 isolates. Colour change zone area less than 3.5 was produced by 2 isolates (Table 6)
Table 6: Siderophore activity by Trichoderma isolates
Siderophore production activity |
Tr10 |
++++ |
Tr11 |
++++ |
Tr17 |
++++ |
Tr20 |
+++ |
Tr13 |
+++ |
Tr12 |
+++ |
Tr3 |
+++ |
Tr16 |
+++ |
Tr9 |
+++ |
Tr14 |
++ |
Tr19 |
++ |
Tr4 |
++ |
Tr1 |
++ |
Tr2 |
++ |
Tr21 |
++ |
Tr8 |
+ |
Tr15 |
+ |
Tr6 |
– |
Tr5 |
– |
Tr7 |
– |
Tr18 |
– |
Cellulase Production
Based on the clear zone formation after flooding the culture plates with aqueous Congo red (2% w/v) followed by flooding with NaCl (1 M), only two isolates Tr10 and Tr17 produced cellulase activity. Rest all isolates did not produced cellulase.
Amylase Production
Production of amylase based on clear zone after flooding the plates with iodine was observed in 21 isolates. Eight isolates viz., Tr13, Tr10, Tr12, Tr17, Tr11, Tr16, Tr19 and Tr20 were identified which produced maximum amylase (>15 mm clear zone). Two isolates Tr14 and Tr15 clear zone from 9.1 to 15 mm. Other isolates produced clear zone less than 9 mm. (Table 7)
Table 7: Amylase production by Trichoderma isolates
Amylase Production |
Tr13 |
+++ |
Tr10 |
+++ |
Tr12 |
+++ |
Tr17 |
+++ |
Tr11 |
+++ |
Tr16 |
+++ |
Tr19 |
+++ |
Tr20 |
+++ |
Tr15 |
++ |
Tr14 |
++ |
Tr3 |
+ |
Tr4 |
+ |
Tr5 |
+ |
Tr2 |
+ |
Tr6 |
+ |
Tr21 |
+ |
Tr9 |
+ |
Tr18 |
+ |
Tr1 |
+ |
Tr7 |
+ |
Tr8 |
+ |
Phosphate Solubilization by Trichoderma Isolates:
Twenty one strains were found to solubilizing phosphate with varied efficiencies. All strains produced distinct halos around the colony on the plate indicating efficiency of the isolate to solubilizing phosphate. Halo of more than 25mm was form by eight isolates namely Tr10, Tr12, Tr20, Tr11, Tr17, Tr13, Tr19, Tr16 indicating more efficient in solubilizing phosphates. (Table 8)
Table 8: Phosphate solubilizing activity by Trichoderma isolates
Phosphate Solubilizing Trichoderma |
Tr10 |
+++ |
Tr12 |
+++ |
Tr20 |
+++ |
Tr11 |
+++ |
Tr17 |
+++ |
Tr13 |
+++ |
Tr19 |
+++ |
Tr16 |
+++ |
Tr15 |
++ |
Tr1 |
++ |
Tr3 |
++ |
Tr2 |
++ |
Tr21 |
++ |
Tr4 |
++ |
Tr14 |
++ |
Tr6 |
++ |
Tr9 |
++ |
Tr8 |
++ |
Tr5 |
++ |
Tr7 |
+ |
Tr18 |
+ |
*Scale: zone measured in mm
Chitinase: (1-20= +), (21-39= ++), (40-44= +++), (45< = ++++), (No zone= -)
Siderophore: (1-3= +), (3-3.5= ++), (3.6-15= +++), (16< = ++++)(No zone= -)
Cellulase: (1-5= ++)(No zone= -)
Amylase: (1-5 =+),(5.1-9= ++), (9.1-15= +++), (15< = ++++)(No zone= -)
Phosphate: (1-15=+), (15.1-19= ++), (19.1-25= +++), (25< = ++++)(No zone= -)
Statistical Analysis
To analyse data of Antagonistic potential of Trichoderma isolates against Rhizoctonia bataticola Duncan Multiple Range Test has been done (Table 2). For phylogenetic analysis Clustal W software ver 2.0 was used. Values within a column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different at the P=0.05 level according to Duncan’s multiple range test.
The experiments were performed with three replicates. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was executed using OPSTAT software. Mean values for treatments were equated by the least significant difference by critical difference at 95% level of confidence (p<0.05%). For descriptive statistical analysis, Microsoft Excel was used28.
The antagonistic effect of selected Trichoderma strains, against Rhizoctonia bataticola was examined using the plate confrontation method in the present study. The results indicated that several strains unveiled the highest inhibition percentage compared to other strains. Additionally, noticeable morphological variations were observed after the confrontation assay. Previous research by29 evaluated the five antagonists Trichoderma against dry root rot pathogen and observed that T. viride (96.40%) was best among others inhibiting the growth of Rhizoctonia bataticola. Furthermore, According to30 T. harzianum found effective inhibiting the mycelial growth of R. bataticola causing dry root rot of chickpea. Microscopic investigation exposed that Trichoderma hyphae possibly will grow together with or penetrate and bind around R. bataticola hyphae, kerbing their expansion and in due course causing damage. These outcomes evidently point towards the antagonistic activity and biocontrol potential of Trichoderma strains against phytopathogenic fungi. The cell walls of pathogens serve as promising objectives for the development of antimicrobial agents. Most fungi have chitin-based cell walls, and disrupting these walls can significantly impact cell growth and morphology. Sequence analysis of twelve isolates was done to confirm species identity, which initially has been done based solely on morphological parameters. Comparison of oligonucleotide fragments of rDNA sequences, which included the 5.8S gene and the flanking ITS1 and ITS2 regions, with reference sequences from public databases, showed that they were very similar. In this research, we evaluated the efficacy of numerous cell wall degrading enzymes from Trichoderma spp. to identify that they could potentially be utilized as biocontrol agents capable of breaking down the cell walls of fungal, chitin degradation were observed in Trichoderma isolates. Some studies suggested that the physical interaction between mycoparasitic hypae and fungal pathogen is buoyed by the emission of a set of extracellular enzymes such as Chitinolytic enzyme31,32,33 ß-glucanases34,35 and proteinases36 as well as secondary metabolites.37,38Trichoderma species like T. asperellum, T. atroviride, T. harzianum and T. virens are known to produce active cell wall degrading enzymes such as cellulase, chitinase, protease, and β-1,3-glucanases, which contest fungal pathogens. Trichoderma isolates were characterized by using the ITS & tef regions, metabolic profiling, and CWDE activities. Sequence analysis of ITS and tef led to the reclassification of the isolates. Trichoderma isolates produced common metabolites with antifungal properties. Enzyme assays demonstrated robust CWDE activities. So, our findings suggest that the above Trichoderma isolates showed promising plant growth promoting and biocontrol activity against plant pathogens.
The study concludes that the collected soil showed of a large population of diverse fungi. Different species of Trichoderma were isolated from the soil. T. harzianum, T. brevicompactum, T. afroharzianum, T. asperelloides, T. longibrachiatum and asperellum showed antagonist ability against plant pathogenic fungi, Rhizoctonia bataticola. The isolated Trichoderma strains showed significant production of defence enzymes. These Trichoderma species can be explored further to be used as biocontrol agents.
Authors are thankful to the Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Kanpur-208024, India and Vice Chancellor and Dean Agriculture, Bhagwant University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India for providing the necessary facilities and support during the experimentation.
Funding Sources
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of the article.
Conflict of Interest
The authors do not have any conflict of interest.
Data Availability Statement
This statement does not apply to this article.
Ethics Statement
This research did not involve human participants, animal, subjects, or any material that requires The ethical approval.
Consent for Publication
All the authors have provided their consent for publication in this Journal. Attached
Authors’ Contribution
Utkarsh Singh Rathore: All research work during Ph.D.
Rudra Pratap Singh: Ph.D advisor, worked under him during Ph.D, helped in designing my research work.
Sonika Pandey: helped in data collection & related work and paper writing.
R.K. Mishra: worked under him during my research work.
- Indian institute of pulses research. E pulses Data Book. (2020)
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