Recommending and Predicting Crop Yield using Smart Machine Learning Algorithm (SMLA)

K. Sutha*, N. Indumathi, S. Uma Shankari

Department of MCA, College of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 089, India.

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Article Publishing History

Received: 05 Apr 2023
Accepted: 18 Sep 2023
Published Online: 21 Sep 23

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Reviewed by: Cuauhtemoc Negrete Mexico
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Agriculture is always needed by every human and responsible for the economic growth of a country. Developed countries likewise America, Japan, China are leading and making other countries too dependent on their technologies. But developing countries like India are expecting a lot of new technological innovations in the field of agriculture. Innovations may be in the form of smart machines, automation systems, sensor-based instruments, etc. and an advantage for society. In this paper, we have proposed Recommending and Predicting Crop Yield using Smart Machine Learning Algorithm (SMLA). The proposed algorithm namely SMLA is compared with other traditional algorithms to predict crop yield. In comparison to other algorithms the proposed algorithm works efficiently and produces 95% accuracy.


Agriculture; Crop; Decision Support System; Smart Machine Learning Algorithm (SMLA); Yield

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Sutha K, Indumathi N, Shankari U. Recommending and Predicting Crop Yield using Smart Machine Learning Algorithm (SMLA). Curr Agri Res 2022; 11(2). doi :

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Sutha K, Indumathi N, Shankari U. Recommending and Predicting Crop Yield using Smart Machine Learning Algorithm (SMLA). Curr Agri Res 2022; 11(2). Available from:


Today, the biggest challenges of farmers are determining which crops are suitable for the soil, what type of fertilizer to be use, how to deal with unexpected climatic changes and how to make crop production profitable by using minimum inputs. This research paper primarily focuses on yield recommendations and a prediction that uses a Smart Machine Learning Algorithm (SMLA). The proposed algorithm makes smart decisions and recommends appropriate sets with 95% accuracy. There is a lot of research work initiated by the Government of India and pitch your best idea to farmers.

Every farmer is expecting automation for various agricultural tasks such as crop selection, disease detection in crops, presides spraying of pesticides, prediction of crop yield, estimation of soil quality. There are many algorithms such as SVM, ANN, RF, MLR, and KNN that are being extensively used in the agricultural domain to find exact crops, perfect fertilizers, and disease identification. Out of these algorithms, RF and SVM is the process of analyzing exact crops, correct fertilizers, and disease in the leaf. Using the SMLA algorithm, a trained model is used to detect fertilizers and diseases.

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For farmers, this research suggested a practical and approachable yield prediction system. Through a Smartphone application, the proposed method connects farmers. GPS assists in locating the user. The user enters the location and soil type2. The most profitable crop list can be picked using machine learning algorithms, and forecasted crops yield for user-selected crops. Selected Machine Learning Algorithms, including SVM, ANN, RF, MLR, and KNN, are used to estimate crop production. The Random Forest among them demonstrated the greatest outcomes with a 95 percent accuracy rate. The algorithm also makes recommendations on when to apply fertilizers to increase yield.

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Crop yield prediction using machine learning and deep learning algorithms discussed with real time data16. The systematic survey and decision support system is analyzed based on the features of temperature, rainfall, and soil type. Most of these features works with the help of Artificial Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) model. Crop recommendation and yield prediction using ML algorithms discussed elaborately17. Predicting the proper crop and production will support for better decisions making, reducing losses, and dealing the risk of price variations. Authors were applied classification and regression algorithms to get performance. ML techniques to predict crop yields based on weather data and link the data about production18. Irish potatoes and maize data collected from various sources and analyzed using Random Forest, Polynomial Regression, and Support Vector Regressor.

iii.  Machine Learning Algorithms

3.1 Support Vector Machine (SVM)

The Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm found in the subfield of classification methods. It is a binary classification method that extrapolates an ideal hyperplane in n-dimensional space from the training dataset. New data sets can be sorted with the help of this hyperplane. Since it is a binary classifier, the hyperplane uses the training data set to create two categories. Data can be classified on a multidimensional hyperplane or a two-dimensional plane using SVM algorithms. In order to classify the data in the multidimensional hyperspace, “Kernels” are used.

3.2  Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

The human neuron serves as the basis for a machine-learning method known as a neural network. The number of neurons in the human brain is in the millions. Electrical and chemical signals are used to transmit and process information. Synapses are the specific structures that link these neurons to one another. Signals are transmitted between neurons via synapse. Neural networks are built from networks of many virtual neurons. Information can be processed using an artificial neural network. It operates similarly to how the human brain does. The information in an ANN is processed by a network of several interconnected processors. They also produce useful outcomes as a result.

3.3  Random Forest (RF)

Regression and classification issues can be tackled with the use of a random forest, a machine learning technique. Ensemble learning, a method that uses several classifiers to solve a problem, is used. Several decision trees make up a random forest algorithm. The random forest algorithm produces a “forest” that is “trained” using bagging or bootstrap aggregation. Machine learning algorithms can be made more precise by employing bagging, an ensemble meta-algorithm.

3.4  Multivariate Linear Regression (MLR)

A statistical method that combines many explanatory factors to predict the result of a response variable is known as multiple linear regression (MLR) or simply multiple regression. The purpose of multiple linear regression is to simulate the linear connection between the independent variables and the dependent ones. Simply put, when more than one explanatory variable is involved, ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression expands into multiple regression.

3.5  K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN)

  • One of the simplest Machine Learning algorithms, K-Nearest Neighbour relies on the tried-and-true Supervised Learning method.
  • The K-Nearest Neighbours (K-NN) algorithm classifies new instances or data by their presumed resemblance to previously classified data.
  • The K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm remembers everything and then uses that information to provide a label to a new data point. This means that the K- NN algorithm can be used to effectively categorize new data as it becomes available.
  • Although the K-NN technique has applications in Regression, it is more commonly utilized for Classification.
  • K-NN does not presuppose anything about the underlying data, as it is a non-parametric algorithm.
  • It is also referred to as a “lazy learner” algorithm since it does not immediately use what it has learned from the training set but rather saves the information and applies it during classification.
  • Throughout the training phase, the KNN algorithm simply saves the dataset, and when it receives new data, it assigns it to a category that best fits it.
  • Let us say we have a picture of something that could be either a cat or a dog, but we really need to know which it is. Since the KNN algorithm is based on a similarity measure, it can be used for this identification. Our KNN model will compare the new set of data to the cat and dog photos, and classify the data based on the similarities between the two sets.

iv.  Results and Discussion

Figure 1: Home page of Crop Recommendation and Prediction

Figure 1: Home page of Crop Recommendation and Prediction

Click here to view Figure

Fig 1 shows the home page of crop recommendation and prediction. The work was split into three major parts and displayed via user interface. The entire work mainly focuses on crop recommendation, fertilizer selection and disease affected in the leaves. This application window is easy to access and predict the most accurate result.

Figure 2: Crop Selection

Figure 2: Crop Selection

Click here to view Figure

Fig 2 describes crop selection. During crop selection, we must enter Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorous, PH, Rainfall value and geo-location. Each value is trained by an intelligent algorithm and finalizing min and max limits. Based on the values, an intelligent system trains the model and predicts the exact crop to grow in the soil.   Fig 3 displays suitable crops predicted by inputs entered by the farmers.

Figure 3: Predicted Crop

Figure 3: Predicted Crop

Click here to view Figure

Fig 4 illustrates fertilizer selection. Here we must enter Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus and type of crop. Each input contains a minimum and maximum limit to select exact fertilizer. Fig 5 shows fertilizer recommendations. The fertilizer is predicted based on the soil and type of soil. Once the fertilizer recommendation is finalized, we can easily increase the profit and avoid unnecessary expenses using intelligent machine-learning algorithms.

Figure 4: Fertilizer Selection

Figure 4: Fertilizer Selection

Click here to view Figure


Figure 5: Fertilizer Recommendation

Figure 5: Fertilizer Recommendation

Click here to view Figure


Figure 6: Plant Disease

Figure 6: Plant Disease

Click here to view Figure

Fig 6 shows plant disease. Trained dataset helps to analyze the diseases and gives better solutions to the problem. There are a lot of methods available to detect disease in a plant. The proposed SMLA algorithm works efficiently and detects disease affected in the plant.

Conclusion and Future Work

Technological development has aided agricultural research, particularly by combining them within a sustainable agriculture production system. Technology has made farming a profitable enterprise by electrifying every farming procedure. In doing so, the middleman who typically buys low from farmers and sells expensive to end consumers is cut out, saving the farmer money. Site-specific decision modeling issues in agricultural systems are addressed by recent uses of computational intelligence techniques. This paper proposed the best Crop Yield Recommendation and Prediction Mechanism using a Smart Machine Learning Algorithm. The proposed algorithms work efficiently and produce 95% accuracy. Many Internet of Things (IoT) devices provide automation methods. In the future, farmers will be able to use intelligent IoT sensors to increase their use of smart farming practices and anticipate and recommend crop yield.


The authors thank the management for providing such a great platform to do this research work. Our sincere thanks to Dean(S&H), SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, India for his valuable guidance and constant support. The working model of this project was demonstrated in Research Day 2022 conducted by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, and awarded first prize.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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