Antifungal Trait and Plant Growth Promotion Potential of Bacillus Spp. from Rhizosphere Soils of Black Aromatic Rice, ‘Chakhao’

Sajida Sultana, Khullakpam Shaheen, Amanda Nongthombam, H Shingmuan, Wahengbam Pusparani Chanu, Rakhi Khunjamayum and Debananda S. Ningthoujam*

Microbial Biotechnology Research Laboratory (MBRL), Department of Biochemistry, Manipur University, Canchipur (Manipur), India

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Received: 23 Mar 2023
Accepted: 04 Aug 2023
Published Online: 04 Sep 2023

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Manipuri black aromatic rice, ‘Chakhao’, is a nutrient rich unique local rice cultivar of Manipur, India. Rhizosphere bacteria may have potential as antifungal agent and seedling growth promoter. Hence, the current investigation was aimed at screening, for the above traits, using bacteria, Bacillus spp., isolated from the soil of Rhizosphere of six Chakhao rice cultivars. Altogether, 323 bacterial isolates were obtained from the rhizospheric soils of 6 different cultivars of Chakhao, namely Chakhao Amubi (CA), Chakhao Poireiton (CP), Chakhao Sempak (CS), Chakhao Angoubi (CAng), Chakhao Angangbi (CR) and Chakhao Wairi (CW). All the rhizobacterial isolates were screened for antifungal activity against 5 rice fungal pathogens viz. Rhizoctonia solani (RS), Fusarium oxysporum (FO), Curvularia oryzae (CO), Pyricularia oryzae (PO) and Aspergillus niger (AN). The isolates were also subjected to PGP (plant growth promotion) assays such as ammonia, indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase production, and phosphate solubilization. Of 323 isolates obtained, 64 were found to exhibit antifungal activity while 69 showed PGP traits. Twenty-five (25) isolates were found to be positive for both antifungal and PGP traits. Of 25 bioactive isolates, 4 (CR12, CW11, CA2 and CP2) potent isolates were shortlisted for further studies. The shortlisted potent isolates were subjected to quantitative estimation of PGP activities like phosphate solubilization, IAA and siderophore production. The strains could produce significant amount of IAA and siderophore and solubilize phosphate. Molecular characterization by 16S rDNA sequence analyses revealed the identity of the isolates: CR12: Bacillus subtilis (Accn. No.OM866257), CW11: Bacillus paralicheniformis (Accn. No.OM868047), CA2: Bacillus sp. CCMB1014 (Accn. No.OM868070) and CP2: Bacillus licheniformis (Accn. No.OM892495). Seedling vigor assays of the shortlisted potent strains were carried out on Chakhao Amubi rice. The isolates exhibited higher seedling vigor indices (CR12: 668.00, CA2: 618.66, CP2: 510.92 and CW11: 478.91) over the control (164.48). These rhizospheric strains have the potential to be developed as bioinoculants or biostimulants for enhancing Chakhao rice growth.


Antifungal; Bacillus; Chakhao; Characterization; PGP; Rhizospheric

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Sultana S, Shaheen K, Nongthombam Amanda; Shingmuan H, Chanu W. P, Khunjamayum R, Ningthoujam D. S. Antifungal Trait and Plant Growth Promotion Potential of Bacillus Spp. from Rhizosphere Soils of Black Aromatic Rice, ‘Chakhao’. Curr Agri Res 2023; 11(2). doi :

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Sultana S, Shaheen K, Nongthombam Amanda; Shingmuan H, Chanu W. P, Khunjamayum R, Ningthoujam D. S. Antifungal Trait and Plant Growth Promotion Potential of Bacillus Spp. from Rhizosphere Soils of Black Aromatic Rice, ‘Chakhao’. Curr Agri Res 2023; 11(2). Available from:


The scented rice of Manipur, Chakhao, meaning delicious rice in Manipuri language, possess high socio-cultural values and is in close relationship with spiritual cultural practices of Meiteis. Chakhao has a unique flavour and aroma. It is served as a special item in cultural and religious ceremonies such as Usob (death ceremonies), Kang-pali (religious festival), Chak-umba (first rice-eating ceremony)1. Chakhao, an indigenous rice variety of Manipur, is nutrient-rich and contains essential amino acids, minerals, and carotenoids. It may help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease2-3. Chakhao is grown at certain parts of Imphal valley in Manipur. Due to its poor yield, Chakhao is grown in very limited acreage by farmers in Manipur for ceremonial and cultural purposes. There is a pressing need to increase its output because it is becoming more and more popular due to its nutraceutical characteristics and export demand4.

In modern agriculture, synthetic agrochemicals are used for enhancing crop production. The dependence on agrochemicals for improving crop production pose serious risks on ecological  and human health5. Rhizobacteria are associated with the soils near the roots and intimately interact with the exudates of the roots6. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are among the beneficial soil microorganisms found in the rhizospheric region of the plant7. Intensive research on plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) is underway worldwide for developing biofertilizers and biocontrol agents (BCAs) as better alternatives to agrochemicals, as the latter harm the environment and human health besides possess the burden of high costs to poor farmers8. Biological control is slow but can be long lasting, inexpensive, and harmless to living organisms and the ecosystem; it neither eliminates the pathogen nor the disease, but brings them into natural balance9. As most PGPBs show inconsistent performance in the field conditions, there is urgent need for survey of indigenous strains suited to local conditions. The use of bacteria having biocontrol and PGP activities is urgently warranted to increase Chakhao growth10.

Certain bacterial taxa e.g., actinomycetes and Bacillus spp have been shown to play a significant function in the plant rhizosphere by secreting a variety of antimicrobial substances that inhibit the growth of common root diseases. It is reported that rhizospheric bacteria and other beneficial bacteria have the ability to solubilize phosphate and can produce indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore, ammonia, 1- aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase and cell wall degrading enzymes such as chitinase, glucanase and protease11-16. Rhizospheric isolates associated with Chakhao varieties may have potential to produce unique metabolites, which can be exploited for application in agricultural, pharmaceutical and other industries.

The present study aims at investigating the antifungal and biofertilizing potential of the rhizospheric isolates from 6 different Chakhao cultivars found in Manipur17.

Materials and Methods

Soil Sampling and Bacterial Isolation

Rhizospheric bacteria were isolated from all 6 rhizospheric soil samples collected from Wairi, Imphal East (93.88E, 24.78N) and Lilong Leihaokhong, Thoubal (93.93E, 21.70N), using 3 different media i.e., Starch Casein Nitrate Agar (SCNA), Nutrient Agar (NA) and Gauze Medium No. 1 (GM1).

1 g of the soil sample was added to 99 ml of sterile distilled water (SDW). The sample was thoroughly vortexed (150 rpm, 30°C, 10 min). Serial dilutions of the soil suspensions were then performed (10-2 to 10-6). The aliquots of various dilutions from 10-2 to 10-6 were spread plated on agar plates. The isolation plates were incubated for 3-4 days at 30°C.  Morphologically distinct bacterial colonies were sub-cultured till pure cultures were obtained18.

Antifungal Assay

Antifungal assay of the rhizospheric bacteria were carried out by dual culture method19-20. The inhibition zones are due to diffusible compounds by the bacterial isolate in the antifungal assay. After the full growth of fungal mycelia on the control plates, the inhibition in the remaining plates was measured. The percentage of mycelial growth inhibitions was calculated using the formula:


R represents the radial growth of the test pathogen in the control plates (measured in mm), and r is the radial growth of the test pathogen in the test plates.

Screening of Plant Growth Promoting (PGP) Traits

Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) Production Test

IAA production was determined by inoculating bacterial isolates in NB medium containing 2 mg/ml of L-tryptophan, (150 rpm, 30ºC, 5 d)21. The fully grown culture broth was centrifuged (10,000 rpm, 10 min) and 1 ml of the supernatant was mixed with 2 ml of Salkowski’s reagent. A pink colour indicates a positive test for IAA production.

For the quantitative assay, the bacterial isolates were inoculated in NB containing 2 mg/mL of Tryptophan under shaking conditions (150 rpm, 30ºC). 5 mL aliquot was withdrawn periodically from each culture flask at 24 hours intervals and centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min21. 1 mL of the supernatant was mixed with 2 mL of Salkowski’s reagent and incubated at 30ºC for 20 min. The absorbance was measured at 530 nm and the amount of IAA produced was calculated by comparing it with the standard IAA curve.

Phosphate Solubilization Test

Spot inoculation on NBRIP-BP (National Botanical Research Institute’s Phosphate Growth Medium) was carried out to determine phosphate solubilization by bacterial isolates. A halo zone around the bacterial colony after 4 days of incubation at 30oC indicated a positive test22.

Quantitative estimation of phosphate solubilization was done by inoculating in 100 mL of NBRIP-BP medium (pH 7). It was then incubated in a shaker incubator (150 rpm, 30°C). 5 mL aliquot withdrawn periodically at 24 hours intervals was centrifuged (10,000 rpm, 10 min) and the supernatant was analysed for pH and Phosphate concentration23. KH2PO4 was used as the standard24.

Siderophore Production Test

SCNA (without iron) amended with CAS-substrate (Chrome Azurol S) were inoculated with 6 mm agar plugs of bacterial isolate and incubated at 30°C for 7 days. The formation of an orange colour halo surrounding the colony was considered a positive result for siderophore production25.

Quantitative estimation of siderophore production was done on five different iron deficient liquid media: Starch casein nutrient broth (SCNB), Casamino acid medium (CAA), Nutrient broth (NB), Succinic acid medium (SM) and Bharbhiaya and Rao medium (BR) by CAS-shuttle assay26-27. 5 mL aliquots were withdrawn periodically at 24 hours intervals and centrifuged (10,000 rpm, 10 min). An equal volume of CAS reagent was added to the supernatant. Absorbance at 630 nm was noted. A reference made of 1 mL uninoculated broth and 1 mL CAS reagent was used. The amount of siderophore produced (percentage siderophore units) was calculated by using the formula:


Ar represents the absorbance of reference and As represents the absorbance of the sample at 630 nm.

Ammonia Production Test

The bacterial isolates were inoculated in 10ml of peptone water and incubated in a shaker incubator (150 rpm, 30°C) for 4 days. To each test tube, 0.5 ml of Nessler reagent was then added. A colour change of brown to yellow indicated ammonia production by the bacterial isolates28.

1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid (ACC) Deaminase Production Test

Nitrogen-free Dworkin and Foster’s (1958), DF salts minimal agar medium supplemented with 2 g of (NH4)2SO4 as a sole nitrogen source was used for screening ACC deaminase production29-30. Isolates were inoculated on the media and then incubated at 30°C for 4 days. Bacterial growth in the plates indicated a positive test for ACC deaminase production.

 In Vitro Seed Germination (Vigor Index)

In vitro rice seed germination by the isolates were carried out according to Tamreihao et al. (2016)31. The bacterial isolates were inoculated in NB and incubated for 3 days to get fully grown cultures. It was then centrifuged (10,000 rpm, 10 min). The pellets were collected and washed thrice with SDW (Sterile Distilled Water) and culture suspensions were prepared using SDW. Black rice (Variety: Chakhao Amubi) seeds were surface sterilized with 70% ethanol for 5 min, followed by 0.2% sodium hypochlorite for 5 min, and rinsed four times with SDW. Surface sterilized seeds were soaked in the cell suspensions and kept under shaking conditions (150 rpm, 30°C) for 2 hours. The seeds were then transferred to sterile plates containing wetted filter papers (10 seeds per plate). Untreated sterile seeds soaked in SDW were used as a control. The plates were then incubated at 28°C for 5 days. The number of germinated seeds, roots and shoot lengths were measured and vigor indices were calculated using the following formula32;


Seedling length= shoot length + root length

Statistical Analysis

All the data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by independent t-test (p≤0.05) using the SPSS software.

Strain Identification

Genomic DNA extraction and PCR amplification of 16S rDNA sequences were performed33. The PCR products obtained were sent to AgriGenome Labs Pvt. Ltd. (Kerala, India) for sequencing. The bacterial sequences were subjected to BLAST alignment analysis using the NCBI GenBank database to obtain the accession number34.



Altogether, 323 morphologically distinct isolates were obtained from rhizospheric soils of six (6) different cultivars of Chakhao. These isolates were preserved in 30% glycerol stock at − 20°C for further studies.

Antifungal Assay

All the 323 isolates were screened for antifungal assays against the test fungal pathogens, of which 64 showed antifungal activities against one or more fungal pathogens. Four (4) isolates (CR12, CW11, CA2 and CP2) exhibited potent antifungal activity (Figs. 1-2 and Table 1).

Figure 1: Antifungal activities of the 4 best strains against the fungal pathogens (a-y) 

Click here to view Figure

Figure 2: Graphical representation of antifungal activities of the 4 best strains

Click here to view Figure

Table 1: Antifungal assay of the rhizospheric bacterial isolates

Sl. No. Bacterial Isolates Percentage Inhibition Zone
MTCC4633 (RS) MTCC287 (FO) MTCC2605 (CO) MTCC1477  (PO) MTCC1344 (AN)
1. CA1 67.4 69.3
2. CA2 73.75 71.25 92.5 78.5 78.75
3. CA3 65.3 57.2
4. CA6 45.4 51.6
5. CA8 60.4 71.6
6. CA11 52
7. CA12 65
8. CA14 43.7 61.4
9. CA21 47.3
10. CA23 56.8
11. CA28 71 67.3
12. CA33 64.3
13. CA37 53.2
14. CA45 47.2 34.3
15. CA46 61
16. CA51 56.4
17. CA54 53.2 55.6
18. CR1 43 51.5
19. CR3 54 61.4
20. CR8 37 48.5
21. CR10 45 53.3
22. CR12 93.4 91.2 92.5 86.7 88.8
23. CR13 56.3 62.3
24. CR19 57.4
25. CR25 80.6
26. CR26 45.3 54.2
27. CR31 58.3 60.3
28. CR35 34 42
29. CR41 56.8
30. CR42 57.3
31. CR53 46.7
32. CR58 35 46.3
33. CR60 65.4
34. CR62 43.6
35. CR65 79.5
36. CR68 45.6 57.5
37. CR71 76.3
38. CR74 65.4
39. CP2 75.8 73.4 87.6 75.3 77.3
40. CP4 54.8 67.4
41. CP12 46
42. CP16 56.4 67
43. CP22 43 54.5
44. CP29 41.4 46.7
45. CP31 73.7
46. CW7 65.4 43.6
47. CW8 64.8
48. CW11 90.4 88.7 91.3 84.5 79.7
49. CW13 84.3 78.6
50. CW24 49 58.4
51. CW25 72
52. CW34 69.6
53. CW41 77
54. CS5 37.6
55. CS9 53.2 47.4
56. CS13 81.4 75.8 80.6
57. CS23 72
58. CS32 43.6 35
59. CS40 56.9
60. CAng4 74 57.8
61. CAng11 43 37.8
62. CAng16 29
63. CAng24 43.4
64. CAng31 46.7

 Plant growth promoting (PGP) activities

All the isolates were then subjected to screening for PGP traits such as IAA, siderophore, ammonia and ACC deaminase production, and phosphate solubilization. 69 isolates showed positive results for one or more PGP traits (Table 2).

Table 2: PGP assays of rhizospheric bacterial isolates

Sl. No. Bacterial Isolates Plant growth promoting traits
IAA production Phosphate solubilization Siderophore production Ammonia production ACC production
1. CA1 + + +
2. CA2 + + + + +
3. CA3 +
4. CA7 + +
5. CA8 +
6. CA10 + +
7. CA12 +
8. CA14 +
9. CA21 + +
10. CA22 +
11. CA25 +
12. CA28 + +
13. CA31 + +
14. CA37 +
15. CA39 +
16. CA41 +
17. CA44 +
18. CA53 +
19. CA54 +
20. CA57 +
21. CA60 +
22. CA62 + +
23. CA69 + +
24. CR1 + +
25. CR2 + +
26. CR4 +
27. CR7 + +
28. CR8 +
29. CR10 + +
30. CR12 + + + + +
31. CR21 +
32. CR26 +
33. CR32 +
34. CR37 + +
35. CR39 + +
36. CR45 + +
37. CR47 + +
38. CR54 +
39. CR63 +
40. CR68 +
41. CR71 +
42. CR75 +
43. CR77 + +
44. CP2 + + + + +
45. CP3 + +
46. CP7 +
47. CP8 + +
48. CP13 +
49. CP16 +
50. CP24 + +
51. CW1 +
52. CW2 +
53. CW4 + +
54. CW6 +
55. CW11 + + + + +
56. CW13 + +
57. CW27 + +
58. CW45 + +
59. CS4 +
60. CS6 +
61. CS13 + + +
62. CS28 + +
63. CS37 + +
64. CS42 + +
65. CAng1 +
66. CAng4 +
67. CAng9 +
68. CAng24 +
69. CAng31 +

 Shortlisting of promising isolates

Based on the screening of antifungal and PGP activities, 4 most potent isolates (CR12, CW11, CA2 and CP2) were shortlisted for molecular characterization and seedling vigor studies.

Quantitative estimation of PGP activities

The shortlisted potent strains were subjected to quantitative estimation of PGP activities like phosphate solubilization, IAA and siderophore production. The strain CR12 produced the highest amount of IAA (73 μg/mL) followed by CW11 (71.4  μg/mL), CP2 (70.5  μg/mL) and CA2 (62.91  μg/mL) respectively after 10 d of incubation. The strain CA2 could solubilize the highest amount of inorganic P ( up to 200   μg/mL) after 3 d of incubation with concomitant decrease in medium pH (from 5.5 to 2.69) followed by CR12, CW11 and CP2 ( up to 156.006, 113.5 and 105.7  μg/mL respectively). CA2 showed maximum siderophore production (74.37% siderophore units in SCNB) followed by CR12, CP2 and CW11 (73.15% in NB, 67.80% in SCNB and 65.50% in NB respectively) after 6 d of incubation.

Characterization of promising strains

Strain CR12 showed the highest 16S sequence similarity with Bacillus subtilis, CW11 with Bacillus paralicheniformis, CA2 with Bacillus sp. CCMB1014 and CP2 with Bacillus licheniformis. They were deposited in NCBI to obtain the accession numbers. Hence, they are designated as Bacillus subtilis strain CR12 (Accn. No.OM866257), Bacillus paralicheniformis strain CW11 (Accn. No.OM868047), Bacillus sp. CCMB1014 strain CA2 (Accn. No.OM868070) and Bacillus licheniformis strain CP2 (Accn. No. OM892495).

In Vitro Seed Germination (Vigor Index)

Seedling vigor assays for the 4 selected promising strains (CR12, CW11, CA2, and CP2) were done on Chakhao Amubi. The isolates exhibited higher vigor indices (CR12: 668.00, CW11: 478.91, CA2: 618.66 and CP2: 510.92) relative to the control (164.48) as shown in Fig. 3 and Table 3.

Figure 3: Seed germination assays of Chakhao Amubi rice- (a) Control, (b) CR12, (c) CW11, (d) CA2 and (e) CP2

Click here to view Figure

Table 3: Vigor indices of the shortlisted best strains against control

Treatments Fresh weight (gm) Dry weight (gm) Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm) % seed germination Vigor index
Control 0.07±0.01b 0.02±0.00b 1.42±0.78b 0.95±0.53b 69.4±2b 164.48
CR12 0.09±0.01a 0.03±6.01a 4.29±0.7a 3.39±0.53a 86.98±1.2a 668.00
CW11 0.06±0.00c 0.02±0.00b 3.7±0.74c 2.70±0.48c 74.83±1.88c 478.91
CA2 0.07±0.00b 0.03±0.00a 4.29±0.77a 3.38±0.53a 80.66±9.90d 618.66
CP2 0.06±0.00c 0.02±0.00b 3.83±0.67c 3.04±0.47a 74.37±2.13c 510.92

*Values with different alphabet within a column are significant at P≤0.05


According to a survey of Chakhao rice cultivation in some selected villages of Manipur by Borah et al. (2018), it was found that the yield of Chakhao is generally lower (~1.3-1.8 tons/hectare) as compared to hybrid and traditional rice varieties (~2.0-5.5 tons/hectare)35. Farmers generally do not apply chemical fertilizers and farmyard manure in the cultivation of Chakhao rice as application of excess inorganic and organic fertilizer increases lodging and sterility1. So, there is an urgent need to search for organic fertilizers that can enhance Chakhao rice growth.

In our study, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were isolated from the rhizospheric soils of 6 Chakhao rice cultivars cultivated at different locations of Manipur, India. Even though there are many reports on the nutritional value of Chakhao rice and its importance to the people of Manipur, the application of PGPRs in Chakhao cultivation is still an underexplored area.

In the present study, 4 multi-trait PGP rhizospheric strains viz.CR12 (Bacillus subtilis strain CR12), CW11 (Bacillus paralicheniformis strain CW11), CA2 (Bacillus sp. CCMB1014 strain CA2) and CP2 (Bacillus licheniformis strain CP2) were chosen as potent biocontrol and biofertilizing agents as they can inhibit all the 5 fungal pathogens tested and were positive for all the PGP traits. The shortlisted potent strains exhibited antifungal activities against the 5 test fungal pathogens and showed significant mycelial growth inhibition against the fungal pathogens. Bacillus amyloquefaciens strain Bk7, a PGPR isolated from rice rhizosphere could inhibit the mycelial growth of Magnaporthe oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium graminearum36. Bacillus spp. strains B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4 isolated from rice rhizospheric soils of Odisha, India showed strong antifungal activity (upto 90%) against the phytopathogens like Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii and Sclerotium oryzae invitro37. A recent report showed a rice rhizospheric antifungal Bacillus sp. KM5 synthesized prominent antibiotics such as Bacillomycin F, Bacillomycin D, Bacillopeptin A, etc38. Significant inhibition of the five (5) fungal pathogens by the potent shortlisted strains can also be noted. Therefore they may hold potential to be developed as antifungal agents for rice cultivation.

Bacillus spp. strains K3 and N4 isolated from rice rhizospheric soil samples from different villages of Bardoli, Gujarat, India were reported to exhibit PGP activities like phosphate solubilization, IAA and siderophore production39. Phosphate solubilizing rhizobacteria (PSRB) such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis strain 1, Bacillus subtilis strain 2 and Bacillus subtilis strain 3, isolated from rice rhizosphere have been reported as promising agents for rice cultivation in soils deficient in phosphorus40. A rhizobacterial isolate UPMB19, belonging to the genera Lysinibacillus obtained from rice rhizosphere has been reported as a PGPR showing IAA and siderophore production and phosphate solubilization which can promote rice seed growth significantly41. ACC deaminase producing Bacillus sp. strain SB1-ACC3 isolated from the coastal rice field soils of West Bengal, India promoted rice seed germination42. Streptomyces corchorusii strain UCR3-16, obtained from rice rhizospheric soils showed antifungal activities, found positive for plant growth promoting traits such as IAA, ammonia, siderophore, ACC deaminase production and phosphate solubilization and the strain showed significant increase in growth and grain yield of rice plants27.The strains (CR12, CW11, CA2 and CP2) can produce IAA, siderophore, ammonia, ACC deaminase and solubilize phosphate. The shortlisted potent strains have the potential of plant growth promoting traits.

Strain CR12 exhibited production of phytohormone IAA in significant amount. It produced 73.83 µg/mL IAA on 10th day of incubation. A rhizospheric Bacillus sp. BPR7 isolated from common bean produced 17 µg/mL of IAA in 24 hrs incubation43. Goswami et al. (2014) has reported IAA production by PGPR from saline desert of Kutch in the range of 25 µg/mL of IAA or more after 72 hrs of incubation44. Strain CA2 could solubilize phosphate significantly (200 µg/mL) with a corresponding drop in pH (2.69) on the 3rd day of incubation. Bacillus sp. BPR7 isolated from common bean rhizosphere could solubilize upto 23  µg/mL of TCP (tricalcium phosphate) on the 7th day of incubation43. Yu et al. (2011) has reported several phosphate solubilizing bacterial (PSB) strains, from Walnut could solubilize phosphate in the range of 81.09 mg/L – 233.35 mg/L45. The effects of PSB on the growth of several crop plants have been reported by several workers who conducted their research under both greenhouse and limited field trial experiments46-47. Strain CA2 could produce siderophore in significant amount (74.37%) in SCNB. A common bean rhizospheric Bacillus sp. BPR7 could produce siderophore upto 38 µg/mL in 72 hrs43. The application of siderophore producing rhizobacteria as plant growth promoters have been documented by various researchers48-49.

Chakhao rice seedling germination by CR12, CW11, CA2 and CP2 were performed and exhibited higher vigor indices over the control. Vigor indices of CR12 (668.00), CW11 (478.91), CA2 (618.66) and CP2 (510.92) were found to be higher than vigor index of control (164.48). The PGPR strains UPMB10 (Bacillus sphaericus), Rhizobium strains (SB16, UPMR1006 and UPMR1102) reported by Mia et al. (2012) showed significant increase in seedling vigor and overall root growth of lowland rice variety MR21950. Bacillus subtilis strain MBI600, a PGPR obtained from Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, AL, USA enhanced seedling vigor index of rice (13192) relative to the control (5028)51.


The best approach for sustainable Chakhao rice agriculture will be the use of microbes especially rhizospheric bacteria associated with the host plants. In the present study, 4 most promising rhizospheric bacteria from 6 different cultivars of Chakhao with PGP potential were found. All 4 shortlisted strains showed good inhibition against major rice fungal pathogens and so they can be used as promising antifungal agents. Moreover, these isolates also showed significant PGP activities. Then shortlisted strains showed notable higher seedling vigor indices over the control under in vitro conditions. Further studies are underway to investigate and confirm their growth promotion potency and biocontrol efficacy under pot trial and limited field conditions.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Department of Biotechnology, GOI for the DBT-State Biotech Hub Grant (DBT-SBTHub) (BT/04/NE/2009), Department of Biochemistry, Manipur University, for extending infrastructural help that facilitated this research work, and also the University Grant Commission (UGC), Government of India for offering the UGC JRF/SRF fellowship to Sajida Sultana1.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Funding Sources

There is no funding sources


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