Hydrogeo-Chemical Processess and Evaluation of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Afzalpur Taluk, Karnataka, India.

Channamma. S. Gour1 , Prakash Kariyajjanavar1*, K. Channabasappa2, Arun Kumar. S. L3, Vidyasagar.C. C4 and  M. Lingadevaru2

1Department of Environmental Science, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi 585 106, Karnataka, India.

2Department of Geology, Central University of Karnataka, Kadaganchi, Kalaburagi, India

3Department of Civil Engineering, GM Institute of Technology Davangere-577 006, Karnataka, India

4Department of Chemistry, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Corresponding Author E-mail: prakashsk2678@gmail.com


DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CARJ.10.3.07

Article Publishing History

Received: 09 Sep 2022
Accepted: 10 Nov 2022
Published Online: 24 Nov 2022

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Reviewed by: Dr. Hudhaifa Maan AL-Hamandi
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To determine the geochemical processes impacting groundwater geochemistry and its appropriateness for drinking and irrigational uses, a thorough examination of groundwater is conducted in some areas of the Afzalpur taluk. According to the results of a thorough chemical analysis, the research area's groundwater has a pH average between 6.7 and 6.3, making it fairly acidic. Mg2+ and Ca2+ cations and HCO3- anions are also present in high amounts. Ion-exchange and rock weathering mechanisms were perceived to dominate the groundwater chemistry, with anthropogenic sources playing a minor role. Particularly, the electrical conductivity, total hardness (TH), and concentrations of Na+ and HCO3- exceeded the BIS and WHO water quality standards' acceptable limits. Groundwater suitability for irrigation was assessed on the basis of sodium adsorption ratio, Na%, magnesium hazard (MH), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and Kelley's index (KI). Above parameters revealed that nearly 40 to 50 % of the groundwater in the sampling sites was of high-quality for irrigation purpose.


Afzalpur taluk; Correlations; Drinking water quality; Geo-chemical modeling; Gibb’s plot;  Hydro chemical faces; Irrigation water quality; Saturation Index

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Gour C. S, Kariyajjanavar P, Channabasappa K, Kumar S. L. A, Vidyasagar C. C, Lingadevaru M. Hydrogeo-Chemical Processess and Evaluation of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Afzalpur Taluk, Karnataka, India. Curr Agri Res 2022; 10(3).. doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CARJ.10.3.07

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Gour C. S, Kariyajjanavar P, Channabasappa K, Kumar S. L. A, Vidyasagar C. C, Lingadevaru M. Hydrogeo-Chemical Processess and Evaluation of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Afzalpur Taluk, Karnataka, India. Curr Agri Res 2022; 10(3). Available from: https://bit.ly/3Xtdsyl


The main supply of fresh water, for home and agricultural needs in India, comes from groundwater ‘a crucial natural resource’47.Groundwater resources in different parts of India are virtually under severe continuous stress mainly as a result of the country’s fast urbanization, population increase, and related agricultural activities40.  Increased groundwater-based irrigation has been a major factor in the country’s food security over the past 50 years (CGWB 2010). The amount and quality of water have both decreased in tandem with rising groundwater demand 24. India is consequently dealing with major problems caused by the declining quality of this significant natural resource41.  While evaluating and categorizing the quality of elements like geology, the degree of chemical weathering of different types of rocks, the quality of restored water, and the interaction between water and rocks, and chemical characteristics of groundwater are essential factors12.  Overuse of groundwater has an impact on its quality as well, especially in coastal areas where significant freshwater withdrawal causes seawater intrusion and a rise in groundwater salinity 45 (CGWB 2010). Periodic fluctuations in groundwater quality are also influenced by hydrologic parameters and temporal variations in the source and contribution of refreshed water 22 32 34.  In addition to degrading the water quality, water pollution poses a threat to social progress, economic growth, and human health 44.  Groundwater geochemical investigations are necessary to evaluate water quality fluctuations and determine the water’s appropriateness for diverse uses. Numerous geochemical techniques have proven effective in evaluating the groundwater quality throughout the previous ten years 50.  In order to identify anthropogenic and natural sources that disturb quality of groundwater and to find interactions that occur within the aquifer, several recent researches have  concentrated on assessing the natural concentrations of various ions and metals in groundwater 33 31. Numerous groundwater research works, in specific, have concentrated on evaluations of its appropriateness for drinking and irrigation 49 48 31. The most of previous research in the subject area was largely concentrated mainly on the groundwater’s geochemical evolution 48. These studies showed that excessive salinity and nitrate concentrations occasionally occur locally. In general, the hydro geochemical processes that change the chemical composition of groundwater are very variable throughout both time and geography. Therefore, thorough hydro geochemistry investigations are essential to determine, find, and assess the geochemical processes and their impact on groundwater quality 43.

 Moreover, anthropogenic activities including increased use of pesticides and fertilizers as well as unchecked dumping of municipal, agricultural, and urban waste could endanger the composition of the groundwater in the studied area 48. The composition and concentration of different elements in groundwater are further altered by pesticide contamination, which is extremely erratic and impacted through a variety of mechanisms 27 47. Due to this, a number of researchers have concentrated on hydro geochemical characterization and anthropogenic groundwater contamination 33 44. Therefore, observing and evaluating the quality of groundwater is crucial for sustainable growth and suggest crucial data for water management.

The study area has a flat topography and a lot of irrigation-based farming. Monsoon (June to November) and winter (November to January) are the two main cropping seasons, with cropping intensities of 69 and 74%, respectively. The cultivation of cotton, sugarcane, cotton, and sorghum receives the majority of irrigation during these months. Pollution and the decline of groundwater resources are significant in the research area due to the extensive use of groundwater for agriculture. Any deterioration in the quality of groundwater would have serious negative effects because it is being dangerously exploited in the study region to meet rural needs. As a result, it is crucial to characterize the geochemical components and comprehend the hydro-geochemical processes that are going on in the region. Based on main ion chemistry, elemental ratios, and statistical correlations, the present study conducts a complete geochemical assessment of the groundwater in the research area and determines its suitability for irrigation and drinking.

Materials and Methodology

Study area

Figure 1: Study area map of Afzalpur taluk

Click here to view Figure 

The study region, Afzalpur Taluk, is situated in the northeast of Kalaburagi district, which borders the Indian state of Karnataka. The research area is located in the Survey of India (SOI) topo sheet no. 540 and is designated as area 63 C. It spans over a region of about 1056 square kilometers and located between latitudes N17º 56′ 14″ and E78º 39′ 34″ With splitting by river Bhima in the west. The region receives about 735 mm annual average precipitation mostly during south-west monsoon period. The coldest months (Nov. – Dec.) and hottest months (April to May) have temperature swings of about 44 oC. The area under examination is made up entirely of fractured basaltic rock with a black soil cover. The region is defined physio graphically by rolling topography, and extensive broad valleys interspersed with flat areas covered with black cotton soil. By far the most dominating geomorphic characteristic in the topography are broad valleys with flat-topped hills in between. In the north of the study region, the topography is undulating, and tale lands that resemble Deccan traps.

 The primary source of groundwater recharge is rainfall, and the study region features several lakes, ponds, and dams that serve as significant sources of groundwater recharge. For home and agricultural use, groundwater is extracted. For the majority of the year, groundwater is the principal source of agriculture.

Hydrogeology of the Study Area

The geology of the study area contains Deccan trap, which primarily consists of tholeiitic lavas. Based on these features, mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic composition, a thorough stratigraphy has been presented 46. The lava flows in this region are tholeiitic in form and made up of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase phenocrysts. According to their average (wt. %), CaO2, MgO2, NaO2, and K2O abundances are 10.2, 6.2, 2.5, and 0.47%, respectively47. These compounds could be a source of dissolved SO42-, due to their oxidation, in the river. Soil carbonates are produced from calcite in basalts 27 47.

Research Methodology

The highest cations and anions in this study, viz, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3, SO42-, and Cl, were chemically analyzed (table no. 1 and 2) and shown in mg/L, equivalent per million (epm), (which is equivalent to meq/L), and  e.p.m 19.  An appropriate level of accuracy for the chemical analysis was tested using the ion balance equation 43.  Additionally, as shown in Table 1, all groundwater samples had reactivity error levels within the permitted range of 10% (Hem 1991). To accomplish these goals, the WATEQ4F program has been utilized to calculate the saturation level of groundwater with regard to specific minerals using a speciation model (b/Ball and Nordstrom 1992). In addition, Gibb’s plot was used to recognize the primary mechanisms controlling the groundwater geo-chemistry of the research part and to evaluate the useful source of dissolved chemical elements.

By drawing the main cations and anions in the Piper plot, hydro chemical facies interpretation was utilized to infer the flowing pattern and the source of geo-chemistry of groundwater (Piper 1953). SAR, RSC, Na%, residual sodium bicarbonate (RSBC), Permeability Index (P.I), potential salinity (P.S), salinity hazard, magnesium ratio (Mg R), Kelly’s ratio (KR), and chloro alkaline index were used to evaluate groundwater for irrigation purposes (CAI-1). For classifying groundwater suitability for irrigation, the Doneen permeability index 11  and the Wilcox diagram 59 were also used.

Mechanisms of Controlling Groundwater Chemistry

It’s vital to study the interaction of  the lithology of the aquifer and water chemistry. Gibbs diagrams show dominating cations and anions against TDS values in the study area (Gibbs 1970). The ratio of cations (Na+ + K+) / (Na+ + K+ + Ca2+), and the anions, Cl / (Cl + HCO3) serve as a function of TDS. The useful bases of dissolved elements, like, precipitation-dominance, rock-dominance, and evaporation-dominance, were evaluated using this diagram. Gibb’s diagram as depicted in Figure 2, revealed that as per the geo-chemical analysis the majority of samples in the study area fell under the type of rock-water interaction, while only a few samples found in the evaporation-dominance. This result indicated that chemical weathering of rock-forming minerals is affecting the quality of groundwater by dissolving the rock with movement, while the evaporation dominance in the sites indicated that the increase of ions Na+ and Cl are with the increasing of the TDS.

Table 1: Geo-chemical analysis of post-monsoon 2020 results of the study area

Click here to view Table

Table 2: Geo-chemical analysis of Pre-monsoon 2021 results of the study area.

Click here to view Table

Table 3: Expressive statistics of analyzed data in groundwater and the recommended limits of WHO (2011) and IS: 10500 (BIS 2003) of each element for drinking purposes.

Parameters Post-monsoon Pre-monsoon WHO (2011) BIS (2012)
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Max Max
pH 6.3 8.1 6.7 6.1 7.4 6.3 6.5-8.5
EC µS/cm 1054 3943 2387.7 1162 4398 2708.5 500
TDS(mg/L) 531.5 2148 1348.7 631 2487 1561.3 500
Ca2+(mg/L) 89.6 378.3 199.6 75.9 346.5 182.2 75 75
Mg2+(mg/L) 88.3 211.1 141.1 75.8 206.4 128.5 50 30
Na+(mg/L) 56.3 326.5 133.8 48.5 318.6 118.7 200
K+(mg/L) 1.24 35.5 15.9 1.06 31.5 13.47 200
HCO3(mg/L) 114.3 641.4 372.6 103.8 587.4 332.2 500 200
Cl(mg/L) 114.1 543.2 332.01 105.8 468.9 294.9 250 250
SO4(mg/L) 121.1 393.6 230.4 104.3 326.9 207.8 250 200
NO3(mg/L) 8.56 14.8 12.5 6.4 13.1 10.3 45 45
TH(mg/L) 187.2 541.8 340.7 161.8 433 298.5 100 300
Figure 2: Gibb’s diagram for controlling factor of groundwater quality in the study area.

Click here to view Figure

Hydro Chemical Facies

Groundwater flowing pattern is showed in the piper trilinear diagram. This is a good tool for plotting out the main source of the geo-chemistry of groundwater, mainly used for hydro geo-chemical facies. Fig. 3 shows the Piper trilinear diagram. There were two main identified forms of hydro chemical water. These have different forms of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Cl water. The research area’s groundwater samples are primarily of the Ca-Cl water type, which suggests that the water is a final result. A minority of the samples have Ca2+-Mg2+Cl water types, which reveal that strong acid (Cl and SO42-) is more effective than weak acid (Na+ + K+) and alkaline earth (Ca2+ + Mg2+) is more potent than both (HCO3- and CO32-).

Figure 3: Piper trilinear diagram for the groundwater samples both post and pre-monsoon of the study area.

Click here to view Figure

Geochemical Modeling

All groundwater chemical reactions such as dissolution and precipitation, ion exchange, and adsorption by clay particles are calculated using geochemical models 30.  The speciation model was used to determine the saturation index (SI) of minerals in the groundwater samples, . The SI of a specific mineral expresses how saturated the mineral is in relation to the environment. According to 13, the value of saturation index is expressed as follows:


IAP stands for the ion activity product of the dissociated chemical types in solution, while KSP stands for the mineral’s solubility product. The negative SI means that the groundwater is under saturated for that specific mineral. If SI is greater than 0, it is expected that the mineral has been dissolved to the saturation in the groundwater and cannot be dissolved further. A common ion effect or incongruent dissolution can also cause an oversaturation. Nearly all groundwater samples from the research region were oversaturated for calcite and dolomite and under saturated for anhydrite, gypsum, and halite.

Geochemical Evolution of Groundwater

Low dissolved ion concentrations in rainfall give groundwater its initial composition. Additional Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, SO42- HCO3, Cl, and SiO2 are added into the water throughout its return journey to the ocean as a result of rock weathering and evaporation. The mineralogy of the rocks, with which water encounters during flow, and the speed of the water flow determine the concentrations of the ions in water. The cations are more abundant in the research region in the following order, Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+; whereas the anions were present in the following order, HCO3 > Cl- > SO42-. The breakdown of limestone, dolomite, gypsum, and anhydrite minerals, which make up the majority of the study area’s rocks, are the primary cause of the calcium and magnesium found in the groundwater. The cation exchange process also produces calcium ions 7. The concentration of calcium ions in the study area varies from 89.6 mg/L to 378.3 mg/L having a mean value of 199.6 mg/L for the post-monsoon period, and from 75.9 mg/L to 346.5 mg/L having a mean value of 182.2 mg/L for the pre-monsoon period, respectively. This shows that the concentration of Ca2+ ions in the studied region is comparatively higher than that of magnesium ions. Ca2+ + Mg2+ vs. (HCO3 + SO42-) is plotted in Fig 4a. The most of the samples, as shown in Figure 4a, are above the equiline, which indicated that the carbonate weathering process is the main mechanism distributing calcium and magnesium ions into groundwater. Groundwater samples from the research area’s plot of (Na+) vs. (Cl) are shown in fig. 4b. The plot demonstrates that the Na+/Cl ratios are >1, which normally means, sodium was released through silicate weathering. The silicate weathering is further verified by the HCO3 vs. Na+ plot in fig. 4c, all samples were below the equiline 14.  This indicates that the carbonate and the silicate weathering are the two main processes taking place in the study area’s aquifer.

Figure 4a: plot of (Ca2++Mg2+) vs. (HCO3+SO42-) of the study area.

Click here to view Figure

Figure 4b: plot of (Na+) vs (Cl) of the study area

Click here to view Figure

Figure 4c: plot of (HCO3) vs (Na+) of the study area 

Click here to view Figure 

Drinking and Irrigation Water Quality

pH, EC, TDS, TH, RSC, RSBS, P.I., P.S., salinity hazard, magnesium ratio, %Na+, KR, and chloro alkaline index are a few of the metrics that can be used to determine, whether the groundwater is suitable for drinking and irrigation (CAI-10 as display in table 3 and 4).

Table 4: Irrigation water quality parameters of the study area. Post-monsoon 2020

Sample RSC RSBS P.I P.S SAR Mg R %Na+ K.R CAI-1
S1 Dixanga 226 143.1 103.05 410.1 0.184 39.48 32.33 130.0 297.9
S2 Jevargi 302.9 236.8 130.15 276.7 0.254 47.79 37.50 122.2 215.4
S3 Allagi 213.7 129.9 95.72 420.2 0.165 38.59 29.11 152.9 298.1
S4 Hosur 183.1 120.2 94.93 454.45 0.175 39.65 30.92 145.8 336.7
S5 Mannur 282.1 240.3 125.96 472.5 0.277 49.66 40.08 133.6 357.7
S6 Mashal 337.2 191.6 117.09 449.8 0.091 41.83 21.30 129.5 333.9
S7 Gour 483.5 279.7 158.19 343 0.335 52.13 44.46 99.0 233.6
S8Udachan 454.5 271.1 113.12 501.75 0.135 41.61 22.30 193.9 364.1
S9Diggi ross -146.2 -50.2 48.73 353.85 0.164 54.15 26.03 195.0 274.9
S10 Bankalga 236.2 154.5 112.76 269.75 0.182 46.66 27.32 113.1 113.3
S11Shirwad 314 171.4 107.43 666.3 0.507 38.32 50.70 124.8 468.7
S12 Afzalpur 459 301.8 117.58 610.85 0.089 48.26 16.46 211.4 543.0
S13 Atanoor 114.5 57.6 80.21 454.5 0.221 45.23 31.78 157.1 364.8
S14karbhosga 314.3 157.3 117.00 389.9 0.269 33.49 35.69 89.11 267.7
S15 Dannur 782.8 483.2 194.39 351.15 0.325 36.89 41.02 93.53 243.6
S16Chinmgera 133.6 126 100.32 473.95 0.185 36.83 29.06 125.0 356.0
S17Chodapur 210.3 145.1 100.19 599.4 0.186 38.68 29.45 144.7 472.9
S18Hasargundgi 234.7 150.1 102.36 585.6 0.161 37.40 26.61 139.0 466.9
S19Ghangapur 207.9 137 93.42 500.55 0.170 42.75 27.30 173.1 373.3
S20Bandarwad 86.3 13.9 77.34 360.65 0.109 30.17 18.11 163.8 274.0

Table 5: Irrigation water quality parameters for study area. Pre-monsoon 2021

Sample RSC RSBS P.I P.S SAR Mg R %Na K.R CAI-1
S1Dixanga 137.2 112.5 101.29 342.3 0.185244 38.03 32.52 1.08 246.9
S2 Jevargi 368.6 223 130.25 247.55 0.243014 49.44 36.26 1.17 194.7
S3 Allagi 197.1 108.2 91.75 369.35 0.16594 40.46 28.68 1.49 258.1
S4 Hosur 61.2 66.2 85.0 431.85 0.164409 38.61 29.22 1.37 326.9
S5 Mannur 293.2 171.7 116.19 433.6 0.262322 47.03 38.56 1.13 326.2
S6 Mashal 123.5 131 104.38 424.3 0.088054 42.41 20.77 1.17 315.3
S7 Gour 264.1 202.7 141.49 318.4 0.369901 53.09 46.29 8.7 217.9
S8 Udachan.Hutti 355.8 251.4 114.06 443.15 0.136952 40.13 22.28 1.74 324.4
S9 Diggi cross -135 -36 47.93 299.6 0.156402 57.37 25.00 1.88 237.3
S10 Bankalga 287.9 128.3 109.96 250.6 0.13477 48.12 21.54 1.02 105.2
S11 Shirwad 261.6 157 107.22 552.05 0.564093 40.22 53.30 1.15 387.7
S12 Afzalpur 390.3 263.9 111.81 533.1 0.078166 49.03 14.54 2.06 468.7
S13 Atanoor 263.3 57.8 80.84 378.85 0.219171 46.11 31.35 1.44 298.4
S14 Karbhosga 212.9 159.8 123.91 343.6 0.282057 33.74 36.56 7.6 236.2
S15 Dannur 688 449.5 200.63 312.95 0.304862 38.49 39.66 8.7 212.9
S16 Chinmgera 292.2 118.4 100.20 436.5 0.167386 36.22 27.03 1.18 327.2
S17 Chowdapur 280.5 153.6 110.15 557.25 0.196041 34.11 30.31 1.09 438.5
S18Hasargundagi 294 131.8 101.58 539.1 0.14663 35.57 24.72 1.25 426.5
S19Ghanagapur 234.8 127.8 93.97 441 0.164449 42.01 26.74 1.58 324.2
S20Bandarwad 128.2 22 78.93 323.55 0.103036 29.85 17.23 1.47 216.3

Drinking Water Quality

Suitability for drinking was assessed by comparing the groundwater samples of the research region w.r.t. the values of the accepted/permissible guidelines58.  TDS of the study area varied between 531.5 mg/L to 2148 mg/L and the average value 1348.7 mg/L (post-monsoon 2020) and in pre-monsoon the TDS value was 631 mg/L to 2487 mg/L and the average value is 1561.3 mg/L. The TDS values exceeded the suggested permissible limit during both pre- and post-monsoon seasons. Nevertheless, composition of the most of cations and anions are high as per WHO guidelines for drinking purposes. Additionally, as indicated in Table 3, the TH of the study region varies from 161.8 to 433 mg/L in the pre-monsoon period to 187.2 to 541.8 mg/L in the post-monsoon period, having a mean value of 340.2 mg/L. According to 54 and as shown in tables 1 and 2, the analyzed results of TH showed, the groundwater of the study area falls under the very hard water type category. As a result, according to TDS and TH, hard water leads to greater detergent use during cleaning, and some research links it to heart disease 55.  The following equation was used to determine the total hardness (TH) in accordance with 56. 3. 35.  Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations are represented in mg/L as CaCO3 in the equation TH= 2.5 Ca2+ + 4.1 Mg2+ (8). The presence of soap action in water is caused based on the precipitation of Ca2+ and Mg2+ salts such as carbonate, sulphate, and chlorides. Scaling affects irrigation pipes, boilers, and cooking appliances due to hard water. The correlation among the various geo-chemical parameters was established, as shown in Tables 7 and 8, to assess the level of correlation among the various geo-chemical parameters impacting groundwater quality in the research area A strong association was observed between TH and Ca2+, Mg2+, and Cl, respectively, which indicated that CaCl2 and MgCl2 are primarily responsible for the hardness of groundwater.

Table 6: Water Classes (After Sawyer and McCarthy, 1967).

Total Hardness as CaCO3 (mg/L) Classification of water
<75 Soft
75 to 150 Moderately hard
150 to 300 Hard
>300 Very hard

 Table 7: Correlation matrix for different water quality parameters in the study area of post-monsoon 2020.

pH TDS Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ HCO3 Cl SO42- NO32-
pH 1
TDS -0.393 1
Ca2+ -0.033 0.603 1
Mg2+ -0.043 0.428 0.534 1
Na+ -0.242 0.247 -0.024 -0.226 1
K+ 0.467 -0.351 -0.249 -0.168 -0.208 1
HCO3 -0.094 0.079 0.204 -0.042 0.032 -0.033 1
Cl -0.170 0.599 0.3333 0.466 0.247 -0.034 0.223 1
SO42- -0.351 0.074 0.123 -0.279 0.569 -0.191 0.047 0.072 1
NO32- -0.209 0.085 0.087 0.008 -0.221 -0.063 0.342 0.168 -0.256 1

Table 8: Correlation matrix for different water quality parameters in the study area of Pre-monsoon 2021

pH TDS Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ HCO3 Cl SO42- NO32-
pH 1
TDS -0.518 1
Ca2+ -0.125 0.528 1
Mg2+ -0.061 0.400 0.498 1
Na+ -0.160 0.288 -0.038 -0.184 1
K+ 0.412 -0.498 -0.185 -0.181 -0.161 1
HCO3 -0.114 0.127 0.338 0.020 -0.054 -0.135 1
Cl -0.090 0.549 0.373 0.364 0.215 0.033 0.269 1
SO42- -0.345 0.173 0.127 -0.368 0.445 -0.173 0.080 0.072 1
NO32- -0.148 -0.058 -0.027 -0.022 -0.091 0.016 0.429 0.149 -0.302 1

Irrigation Water Quality

The impact of mineral content of the water on the soil and plants defines the suitability of groundwater for irrigation. The effect of salt on soils results in changes in soil permeability and structure, which have an impact on plant growth.

Residual Sodium Carbonate

The following equation represents residual sodium carbonate (RSC). It estimates the risks of carbonate and bicarbonate of irrigation water quality.

RSC is equal to (Ca2+ + Mg2+) – (HCO3 + CO32-).

Where, all ionic concentrations are measured in meq/L. Table 9 shows the RSC categorization of irrigation water 36.  Water with more than 2.5 meq/L of RSC is not suitable for irrigation, but water with less than 1.25 meq/L is suitable for irrigation 57.

Table 9: Classification of water based on RSC (after Richards, 1954).

RSC value Water quality
<1.25 Suitable
1.25 to 2.5 Marginal
>2.5 Unsuitable

 According to Eaton 17, Na+ + HCO3 remains as a residue after evaporation and the pH level of soil tend to rise to 3(?? Not clear) if irrigation water includes more HCO3 + CO32- than their corresponding Ca2+ + Mg2+ 17. Water quality declines when total carbonate levels are higher than total calcium and magnesium levels 39. The computed RSC standards of the study regions groundwater samples ranged from -8.02 to 551.8 mg/L having a mean value of 102.06 mg/L and -8.5 to 604.2 mg/L having a mean values of 135.8 mg/L, respectively, in the post-monsoon period. Negative RSC suggests that sodium accumulation is improbable because there is more than enough calcium and magnesium than what can precipitate as carbonates 40.  Therefore, groundwater is suitable for irrigation in the research region, and as shown in Figure 9, the study area’s minimum RSC values are spread in both the southeast and the centre.

Residual Sodium Bicarbonate (RSBC).

The following formula was used to compute residual sodium carbonate (RSBC) 9.

HCO3 – Ca2+ equals RSBC.

According to the RSBC standards proven by 9 and results revealed that the groundwater with RSBC up to 5 meq/L was considered suitable for irrigation 25.  According to the values of RSBC in the research region, which varied from -4.0 to 527.7 mg/L having a mean value of 103.2 mg/L in the post-monsoon period and 4.3 to 550.5 mg/L having a mean value of 102.3 mg/L, groundwater was suitable for irrigation.

Permeability Index (P.I).

The permeability of the soil is impacted by long-term irrigation with high Na+, and HCO3 concentration water. The Class I and Class II types of water are considered for irrigation with 50-75% or having maximum penetrability, according to Doneen’s standards determined if water is suitable for irrigation based on permeability index (P.I) 11.  As a result, water can be categorized by Class I, Class II and Class III. Class III type of water can only have at most permeability of 25% before it becomes unfit. Soil permeability is impacted by irrigation water usage, which raises the levels of Na+, Mg2+, and HCO3 in that soil 9.

When compared to the total ions in meq/L, the permeability index is used to measure how suitable water is for irrigation. It is represented,

P.I = (Na+ + HCO3) / (Ca2++Mg2++Na+) 100

 The current study, groundwater samples’ P.I. ranged from 48.73 to 194.39% having a mean value of 109.50 in the post-monsoon period and from 47.93 to 200.63% having a mean value of 107.58% in pre-monsoon period. It was noted that all groundwater samples categorized as class II type. The P.I. values of existing type of groundwater irrigation suggest that it could be use beneficially for irrigation purpose.

Potential Salinity (P.S)

For determining whether water is suitable for irrigation purposes, Doneen proposed the crucial criterion known as “potential salinity”. It is defined as the sum of the contents of chloride and sulphate in meq/L.

Potential Salinity (P.I) = Cl + ½ SO4 2-

Doneen 10 categorized the irrigation water into three classifications based on the possible salinity, as showed in Table 10. The analysis of most of the groundwater samples in the research region have shown potential salinities ranging from 1.4 to 75.8 meq/L, with mean value of 24.38 meq/L in the post-monsoon period, and from 3.1 meq/L to 397.9 meq/L, with a mean value of 82.42 meq/L in the pre-monsoon period. This indicates high potential salinity levels. However, it is discovered that the groundwater of the research region is classified as Class III for irrigation purposes, therefore the groundwater should be used in cases where the soil has a high permeability 18.

Table 10: Categorization of irrigation water quality using potential salinity index.

  Water category Class-1 Class-2 Class-3
Soil of low permeability <3 3.5 >5
Soil of medium permeability <5 5-10 >10
Soil of high permeability <7 7-15 >15

 Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR).

The amount of Na+ present in the soil is thought to be a main indicator of how the soil will react with other elements and lose permeability. Because sodium (alkali) adsorption ratio is directly associated to the adsorption of Na+ in soil and is an essential factor to determine its suitability for irrigation. It is considered to be a better indicator of sodium (alkali) hazard from irrigation water. Calculated SAR can be calculated by the equation as shown below.

SAR: Na+/ [(Ca2+ Mg2+)/2]1/2

Where all ionic concentrations are expressed in meq/L. The research area’s SAR varies from 0.98 to 5.9, with a mean value of 2.0 in the post-monsoon season, and from 0.9 to 5.7, with a mean value of 2.0 in the pre-monsoon period. The SAR values in studied region were determined to be 10 and thus categorized as S1 i.e. excellent for irrigation (Todd and Mays 2005 and Richards 1954). The research area’s southeastern and central regions show a concentration of SAR, which indicated groundwater in these regions is perfect for irrigation.

Salinity Hazard.

The total Na+ concentration is the most essential factor for the salinity tolerance of plants and water availability. The quickest way to assess the salinity hazard is to measure the EC, which is measured in (µS/cm), because there is a direct association between EC and the Na+ concentration of water 6. US Salinity Laboratory Staff 36, categorized irrigation water into four classes based on sodium concentration, as shown in table 11. In the post-monsoon period, it was discovered that the EC values of the research region varied from 1054 to 3943 µS/cm with a mean value of 2387.75 µS/cm, and from 1162 to 4398 S/cm with a mean value of 2708.5 µS/cm, which is regarded as C4 high salinity hazard class in pre-monsoon 2021. The US salinity diagram, which plots the SAR versus EC as shown in fig. 12, was used to rate irrigation waters. All groundwater samples from the study area falls under suitable C4-S2 group, which means more salinity or average sodium type. Because of this, crops with tolerance to clay, sandy loam, and loamy sand soil textures can be grown using groundwater of the C4-S2 class (Kanwar and Kanwar 1969). These requirements lead to the conclusion that the research area’s groundwater is suitable for irrigation.

Table 11: Salinity hazards of irrigation water based on EC values (Richards, 1954).

EC of irrigation water (μS/cm) Salinity Class Salinity Hazards
100 – 250 C1 very low
250 – 750 C2 Low
750 – 2250 C3 Medium
2250 – 4000 C4 High salinity

 Magnesium Ratio

Most water samples have   balance between calcium and magnesium. The index of magnesium hazard is a ratio that was proposed by (Paliwal 1972). This suggests that high magnesium hazard values > 50% have a negative impact on crop productivity due to increased soil alkalinity and impact on agricultural yield.

Where the concentration of total cations is expressed as meq/L.

Magnesium hazard values in the research region ranged between 30.17 and 54.15%, with a mean value of 42.60 % in the post-monsoon season, and between 29.85 and 57.37 %, with a mean value of 42%, i.e. magnesium hazard ratio 50%, which is considered as for irrigation.

Sodium Percentage (%Na+)

Due to the fact that Na+ reacts with soil, which reduces its permeability, sodium is a major ion used to classify irrigation water. It was calculated as %Na+.

Whereas, according to Wilcox, all ionic concentrations are represented in meq/L, Na+ is a common indicator to determine a natural water’s suitability for irrigation purposes 59. When irrigation water has a high Na+ concentration, clay particles adsorb Na+, which displaces Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. This reduction in permeability caused by the exchange of Na+ in water for Ca2+ and Mg2+ in soil finally leads to poor internal drainage and such soil is typically hard when dry (Collins and Jenkins 1996, Saleh 1999). The study area’s % Na+ values range from 16.46 to 50.70% with a mean value of 30.19% in the post-monsoon and from 29.85 to 57.37% with a mean value of 30.13% in the pre-monsoon period. These values fall into the good to permissible category, demonstrating that the groundwater in the studied area is suitable for irrigation.

Kelly’s Ratio (KR)

Kelly’s ratio is used to categorize the water for irrigation purposes. A Kelly’s index (>1) suggests that the water is too salty21.  Water with KR (1) is therefore considered for irrigation. The following formula was used to determine KR, where all ions are represented in meq/L.

In this study, KR values ranged from 1.4 to 11.3 meq/L with a mean value of 3.0 meq/L in the post-monsoon period and from 1.4 to 10.5 meq/L with a mean value of 3.0 meq/L in the pre-monsoon period, which is 1. The research area’s groundwater is therefore unsuitable for irrigation.

Ion-Exchange Processes.

It is crucial to recognize the changes in chemical composition that groundwater experiences as it travels through the subsurface 1.  The chloro alkaline index-1 was calculated, as proposed by 38,  to identify ion exchange between the groundwater and its environment during residence. The CAI-1 index’s value may be either positive or negative. If the result is positive, it describes how the ions from water Na+ and K+ and the ions from rocks Mg2+ and Ca2+ exchange. In addition, if the index is negative, it signifies that water’s Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions are exchanging with rock-derived Na+ and K+ ions, indicating chloro alkaline disequilibrium. The following formula was used to determine the chloro alkaline index-1.

Chloro-alkaline index = Cl (Na+ + K+) / Cl

Where all ionic compounds were measured in meq/L. The groundwater samples of the research area were used to determine the chloro alkaline index-1, and discovered that all of the CAI-1 values are Negative. The CAI-1 values ranged from 1.0 to 6.5 meq/L with average of 2.6 meq/L in post-monsoon and 0.6 to 6.6 meq/L with average value of 2.7 meq/L. The results indicated that all of the groundwater samples display indirect Base Exchange reaction.


The groundwater in the studied area is brackish and exceedingly hard. The composition of main ions depicted following order. Na+ is followed by Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, SO42-, Cl, and HCO3. Strong acids outperform weak acids, while alkali earth outperforms other alkalis. Genetic water types with the chemical composition Ca-Cl and Ca2+ – Mg2+ – Cl predominate in groundwater. The results of saturation index showed that all groundwater samples from the research region were under saturated with respect to sulphate minerals and more saturated with respect to carbonate minerals. According to Gibb’s plot, the chemical weathering of rock-forming minerals is the predominant process, where there is interaction between the rock chemistry and percolating underground waters. The research area’s southern and central regions have concentrated groundwater that is good and acceptable for irrigation, according to the irrigation parameters. The major ion composition of groundwater indicated that the water is unfit for human consumption.


The authors are grateful to Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi for financial assistance to completion of research work. The authors would like to thank to MSV laboratory Bellary for providing the laboratory facility for the research work.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest.


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