Genotype X Environment Interactions of Fodder Barley Genotypes as Estimated by AMMI, BLUP and Non Parametric Measures

Ajay Verma*, RPS Verma, J Singh, Lokendra Kumar and Gyanendra Pratap Singh

ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research,  Agrasain Marg, Karnal (Haryana), India.

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Received: 09 Jun 2022
Accepted: 25 Jul 2022
Published Online: 29 Jul 2022

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Field experiments were carried out at six locations in Northern Hill Zone to evaluate twenty three promising fodder barley genotypes in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) during 2020-21 cropping seasons . Using analytic methods Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interactions (AMMI), Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (BLUP) along with Non Parametric compared to decipher the GxE interactions under multi environment trials. Highly significant about 67.5% variations accounted by environments, 14.1% of GxE interactions and marginally 3.2% by the genotypes in the total sum square of variations for yield the present study. AMMI1 explained 53.7%, 32.1% by AMMI2, 6.9% for AMMI3, AMMI4 accounted for 4.8% respectivelyof a total variation. ASV and ASV1 measures considered 85.9% of the total variation identified G4, G5, G9 genotypes. MASV1 exploited 97.7% of interactions favoured for G18, G15, G8 genotypes. BLUP-based settled for G6, G11, G5 genotypes. Non parametric measures found G9, G8, G1 as suitable genotypes. Further non parametric composites measures selected G9, G4, G8 as suitable genotypes. Measures Si1, Si2, Si3, Si4, Si5,Si6 ,Si7, HMPRVG, ASV1, ASV, accounted more in first principal component whereas NPi (1), NPi (2), NPi (3), NPi (4), PRVG, Si1, GM, Mean, Average were major contributors in second principal component. Very tight positive relationships observed for IPC3, IPC1with BLUP based measures GM, HM, PRVG, HMPRVG, Average in one quadrant. CV closely related to Stdev, IPC2, IPC4 in opposite quadrant. ASV, ASV1 expressed very tight association with Si6,Si7 whereas NPi(1) , exhibited close affinity with Si1 , Si4, Si2 ,Si5 values. Methods utilized in study showed high to moderate degree of association among themselves, however non parametric measures would be recommended for multi environment trials.


AMMI; BLUP; Biplot analysis; Fodder barley; GxE interaction; Non parametric tools

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Verma A, Verma R. P. S, Singh J, Kumar L, Singh G. P. Genotype X Environment Interactions of Fodder Barley Genotypes as Estimated by AMMI, BLUP and Non Parametric Measures. Curr Agri Res 2022; 10(2).. doi :

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Verma A, Verma R. P. S, Singh J, Kumar L, Singh G. P. Genotype X Environment Interactions of Fodder Barley Genotypes as Estimated by AMMI, BLUP and Non Parametric Measures. Curr Agri Res 2022; 10(2). Available from:


Genotype x Environment interactions of cross over type would introduce inconsistency in the behaviour  of genotypes evaluated in the various environmental conditions1. Adaptability and stability of various crops under multi-environment field trials studied by  number of analytic measures as observed in the literature2. Moreover non parametric measures to assess GxE interaction and stability analysis had been also reflected 6. The components of analysis of variance, the regression models, non-parametric methods, AMMI methods, BLUP based mixed modelswould be most suitableanalytic methods3.AMMI stability value (ASV), ASV1, Modified AMMI stability value (MASV) & MASV1) have been registered  visibility4.  Random effects of the genotypes to improve their predictive accuracy had been advocated for Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) based measures. The stability and adaptability of genotypes were also highlighted by the harmonic mean of genotypic values (HMGV), relative performance of genotypic values (RPGV), and harmonic mean of relative performance of genotypic values (HMRPGV) 5. Besides that nonparametric measures Si1,Si2,Si3,Si4,Si5,Si6,Si7, NPi(1), NPi(2), NPi (3), NPi (4) have been also utilized for genotypes x environmental conditions6.Allrecentanalytic measures have been compared to decipher the GxE interactions effects for fodder barley genotypes evaluated in northern hills zone of the country. 

Materials and Methods

Twenty three fodder barley genotypes were evaluated at six major centers of All India Co-ordinated Research Project at the northern hill zone of the country. To increase the barley production of this zone has been emphasised more to augment the total fodder production of the country. Randomized complete block designs with four replications has been laid out in field trials during 2020-21 cropping season. The environmental conditions of the locations and parentage details of the evaluated fodder barley genotypes reflected in table 1for ready reference.  The phenotypic value of ith genotype in jth environ­ment  de­noted by Xijwhere i=1,2, …k, ,j =, 1,2 ,…,n while rank of genotypes as per yield values reflected by rij  as the rank of the ith genotype in the jth environment, and average of ranks for the ith geno­type by ri ̅   . The corrected yield of ith genotype in jth environment reflected as (X*ij =  Xij– Xi ̅.+ X.. ̅  ) as X*ij, the corrected mean phenotypic value; .was the overall mean of ith  genotype in all environments as X.. ̅ .

However, the composite non parametric measures were also suggested to utilize the ranks of genotypes as per yield and corrected yield in number of environments as NPi(1), NPi(2), NPi(3) and NPi(4). In the formulas, r*ij was the rank of X*ij, and ri ̅   and Mdi were the mean and median ranks for original (unadjusted) grain yield, where ri ̅  * and M*di were the same parameters computed from the corrected (adjusted) data.

AMMISOFT version 1.0 software utilized for AMMI analysis of data sets and SAS software version 9.3 for further analysis.

Table 1: The location and parentage details of fodder barley genotypes.

Code Genotype Parentage Locations Latitude Longitude Altitude

(6th GSBON-2018-19-Ent 87)

Berthein 28.63 77.21
G2 HBL870 VLB 118 x HBL 712 Majhera 29° 16′ N 80° 5′ E 1532
G3 VLB170 VB 1709 INBYT-HI (2016)-12


Khudwani 33° 70′ N 75°10′ E 1590
G4 BHS483 BHS352/BHS366 Malan 32°08 ‘ N 76°35’E 846
G5 UPB1093 RD2784/RD2035 Rajauri 31.01 75.92
G6 VLB118 14th EMBSN-9313 Shimla 31°10 ‘ N 77°17’E ‎2276
G7 BHS487 BBM593/ BHS169
G8 BHS400 34th IBON-9009
G9 BHS486 HBL276/BHS365


G11 BHS352 HBL240/BHS504//VLB129
G12 HBL869 DWR 81 x BH 936
PETUNIA 1 (INBYT-HI-15-16-20)
G15 BHS485 HBL276/BHS369
G16 BHS484 BHS352/BHS 169
(6th GSBON-2018-19 -Ent 86)
G18 UPB1092 RD2828/K551
G19 VLB171 BISON 110.3//CANELA/
ZHEDAR#2 (IBON-HI-18-36)
G20 HBL871 TRADITION/6/VMorales/7/

 (IBON 16-17-Ent72 or
EIBGN 2017-18, Ent-49)

G23 UPB1091 RD2828/RD2552

Results and Discussion

AMMI analysis

AMMI analysis observed highly significant variations (P>0.001) due to environments, GxE interactions, and genotypes with corresponding share of 67.5% ,14.1% , marginally 3.2% (Table 2) the total sum square of variation for yield7. Further Interaction effects portioned into four significant components accounted for nearly 98% of interactions sum of square variations. First component (AMMI1) contributed 53.7%, followed by 32.1% , 6.9%, 4.8% byAMMI2, AMMI3, AMMI4 respectively. Nearly85.9% of the total variation contributed by  the two AMMI components3. G×E signal and noise effects accounted for 25.7%  &74.2% in total G×E.  Share of GxEnoise effect was 3.2 times the genotypes effects.

Table 2: Interaction principal component analysis of Fodder barley genotypes.

Source Degree of


Mean Sum

 of Squares




contribution of factors

GxE interaction

Sum of Squares (% )

Cumulative Sum of Squares

(% ) by IPCA’s

Treatments 137 1148.426  *** 84.87
Genotype (G) 22 269.3139 * 3.20
Environment ( E ) 5 25060.03  *** 67.59
GxE interactions 110 237.3574 ** 14.08
IPC1 26 540.1555 * 53.79


IPC2 24 350.159 32.19 85.98
IPC3 22 82.79075 6.98 92.95
IPC4 20 62.93911 4.82 97.77
Residual 18 32.29291
Error 138 203.2436
Total 275 674.1163

Behaviour of genotypes as per BLUP based measures

Average higher yield showed by G6, G2, G7 genotypes while lowest yield of G23 (Table 3). IPCA’s in the AMMI analysis exploited to know about the stability or adaptability of genotypes. Absolute IPCA-1 scores pointed for G9, G4, G5 while as per IPCA-2, G2, G15, G21genotypes would be of choice. Values of IPCA-3 favouredG18,G8, G23genotypes. As per IPCA-4, G17, G7, G10 genotypes would be of stable performance.  ASV & ASV1 measures based on two IPCAs and utilized 85.9% of G×E interaction sum of squares would be useful for  dynamic concept of stability8.  Both measures recommended (G4, G5, G9) as of stable performance. Values of MASV1using 97.7% of GxE interactions sum of squares identified  G18, G15, G8genotypes whereas G18,  G8, G5 genotypes be of stable yield as per MASV9.

Table 3: Stability measures of  fodder barley genotypes  as perAMMI analysis.

Click here to view Table

Performance of genotypes as per BLUP and Non parametric measures

Average yield of genotypes as per their best linear unbiased predictors4 pointed towards G2, G6, G16 as high yielders. Consistent yield of G11, G6, G15 recognised as per lower values of standard deviation while CV values identified G6, G5, G20 genotypes for northern hills zone of the country. More over the values of GM selected G11, G6, G5. Values of measure HM ,BLUP-based simultaneous selection, identified G11, G6, G20 while values of PRVG favored G11,G6,  G5and HMPRVG settled for G6, G11, G5 genotypes. Measures  HMGV, RPGV and HMRPGV had expressed the same ranking of genotypes as reported2,6.

Si1 non parametric measure pointed forG9, G8, G1 while Si2 selected G9, G8, G1  and values of Si3favoured G9, G5, G1 as suitable genotypes (Table 4). G9, G8, G1selected by values of Si4 , Si5 favouredG9, G5, G1,Si6G9, G5, G1 and lastly Si7 for G3, G5, G1 (Table 4). The stability of genotype over environment in biological concept appreciated by its consistent rank over other environments10. Further composite measures NPi(1)  to NPi(4), considered the ranks of genotypes as per yield and corrected yield simultaneously. NPi (1) measure observed suitability of G9, G8, G1 whereas as per NPi(2),   genotypes G9, G4, G8  would be of choice while NPi(3)  identifiedG9, G8, G1. Last composite measure NPi(4)  found G9, G8, G4  as genotypes of choice for this zone.

Table 4: Stability measures of fodder barley genotypes as per BLUP and Non parametric  measures.

Click here to view Table

Biplot analysis

Approximately 64.1% of the total variation among the AMMI, BLUP and non parametric measures explained by first two significant PC’s in biplot analysis (Table 5) with respective contributions of 35.9% &28.1% by first and second principal components respectively 1,11. Measures Si1, Si2, Si3, Si4, Si5,Si6 ,Si7,HMPRVG, ASV1, ASV, accounted more of share in first principal component whereas NPi (1), NPi (2),NPi (3), NPi (4),PRVG,  Si1, GM, Mean, Average were major contributors  in PC2. The biplot analysis had been established to study the association among measures via graphical presentation.  Positive correlation among measures pointed out by acute angles between vectors of measures from the origin in the biplot while negative correlation expressed by obtuse or straight line angles. Moreover the right angles between vectors expressed Independent type of relationships.

Table 5: Contribution share of AMMI, BLUP and Non parametric measures.

Measure Principal Component 1 Principal Component 2 Measure Principal Component 1 Principal Component 2
Mean 0.1376 0.1821 PRVG 0.1850 0.2891
IPC1 0.0719 0.0971 HMPRVG 0.2508 0.2048
IPC2 -0.0388 -0.1072 Si1 -0.2323 0.2345
IPC3 0.0511 0.0654 Si2 -0.2580 0.1921
IPC4 -0.1208 -0.1804 Si3 -0.2917 0.0498
ASV1 -0.2831 0.0071 Si4 -0.2575 0.1997
ASV -0.2605 0.0051 Si5 -0.2380 0.2231
MASV1 -0.0478 0.0257 Si6 -0.2733 0.0159
MASV -0.1087 0.0571 Si7 -0.2917 0.0498
Average 0.1635 0.2461 NPi(1) -0.2067 0.2631
Stdev -0.1023 -0.0638 NPi(2) -0.0110 0.3099
CV -0.1965 -0.1987 NPi(3) -0.0552 0.3367
GM 0.2232 0.2515 NPi(4) -0.0353 0.3421
HM 0.1920 0.1722
64.12 35.95 28.17
Figure 1: Association analysis among AMMI, BLUP and Non parametric measures.

Click here to view Figure

Direct association observed for IPC3, IPC1with BLUP based measures GM, HM, PRVG, HMPRVG, Average in one quadrant. CV closely related to Stdev, IPC2, IPC4 in opposite quadrant. ASV, ASV1 expressed very tight association with Si6,Si7. Whereas NPi(1), exhibited close affinity with Si1, Si4,Si2,Si5. Closely related NPi(2) ,NPi(3) , NPi(4) were placed in same quadrant. Group CV with Stdev, IPC2, IPC4 managed right angles with group of BLUP based measures.Nonparametric measures NPi(2) ,NPi(3) , NPi(4) showed right angles with BLUP based measures. AMMI based measures also exhibited right angles with BLUP based measures. Overall small and large sizes seven clusters observed among the measures for this study.  CV grouped with Stdev, IPC2, IPC4 in first cluster of first quadrant. Third quadrant seen two clusters first former one of IPC1 with IPC3 whereas latter one consisted of BLUP based measures. Last quadrant placed four clusters. MASV showed affinity with MASV1. Nearby cluster of  ASV,  ASV1 with Si3, Si6,Si7.Adjacent cluster consisted of NPi(2), NPi(3), NPi(4) measures. WhileSi1, Si4,Si2,Si5 managed with NPi(1)  in last cluster (Fig.2).

Figure 2: Clustering pattern of AMMI, BLUP and Non parametric measures.

Click here to view Figure


The training by Dr J Crossa and financial support by Dr A.K Joshi & Dr RP Singh CIMMYT, Mexico sincerely acknowledged along with hard work of the staff to carry out the field evaluation of genotypes at coordinating centres.

Conflict of Interest

No conflict of interests reported by the authors.

Funding Sources

There is no funding source.


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