In vitro Biocontrol of Phomopsis azadirachtae by Andrographis paniculata Rhizobacteria
Introduction A member from the Meliaceae family, neem (Azadirachta indica) is frequently described as “Indian lilac” or “Margosa.” Insecticides,…
Volume 12, Number 3
Introduction A member from the Meliaceae family, neem (Azadirachta indica) is frequently described as “Indian lilac” or “Margosa.” Insecticides,…
Introduction Overview With a huge contribution of approximately 18% to the GDP, agriculture has established itself as one of the most prominent sectors of the nation. Some…
Introduction Global population growth and evolving lifestyles have significantly increased the demand for freshwater resources, 1 making their sustainable management a critical…
Introduction Casuarina equisetifolia L., a member of the Casuarinaceae family, native to Australia, New Guinea, Southeast Asia and India. It is a remarkable evergreen tree that…
Introduction India being an agrarian country primarily emphasizes on the development of agriculture not only to provide food to the hefty size of its population but also to…
Introduction Increasing plant production and the quality of nutrients in the food is a major concern now a days. The plant production is affected by many factors such as climate…
Introduction The latest trends suggest a sudden spike in unemployment1 rates owing to population growth and technology change, both in developed and emerging countries.2 Mushroom…
Introduction Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have sparked widespread debate in agricultural and scientific communities. The advent of GMO technology has revolutionized…
Introduction Candy is a sweet food product made up of impregnating fruits or vegetables with syrup.1 Candy has witnessed a dynamic evolution marked by experimentation with various…
Introduction Despite the tough terrain, climatic uncertainties and wild-life conflicts, mountain communities have dependent on agriculture and pastoralism for centuries to their…
Introduction Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), a member of the Malvaceae family, stands as one of India’s primary crops, serving as a crucial source of fiber and revenue. It…
Introduction Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple cereal crops globally, cultivated across diverse environmental conditions in more than 114 countries1. It…
Introduction Weeds constitute the most significant biotic limitations on both developing and developed nations for agricultural production. Weeds have the tendency to compete with…
Introduction Agriculture is a primary source of animal and human foods, and current projection indicates that in with enough food in the twenty-first century, yields may need to…
Introduction Changes in land use and land cover are the result of human exploitation of resources for varied purposes over time and space. These modifications may also be the…
Introduction International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)1, notes that population growth in Africa has grown from 476 million in 1980 to around 1.4 billion in 2021. They…
Introduction After cereals, pulse crops are the most significant food crops; these are sometimes known as “grain legumes.” Botanically called Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper,…
Introduction Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), commonly referred to as methi in India, is an herbaceous annual plant belonging to the Fabaceae family, with a diploid…
Introduction The genus Curcuma consists of more than 80 species and is known for its versatile uses, viz. culinary, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, dye, as tropical ornamentals, etc.1…
Introduction Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) is a vital leguminous crop that is extensively cultivated for its adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions,…
Introduction The complexity of weed diversity in agricultural environments has far-reaching consequences for crop productivity, ecological benefits and long-term farming methods.…
Introduction The accomplishment of the 17 SDGs, also known as Agenda 2030, which were ratified by 193 nations in 2015, depends heavily on agriculture and related industries.…
Introduction India’s agriculture industry is the backbone of the nation’s economy, supporting around 60% of the population and making a sizable GDP contribution.1 The…
Introduction Essentially, hybridization is the most potential breeding method for improvement of crops. Hybrids are effective only when such product shows heterosis in yield over…
Introduction Pre-sowing treatment of seeds improves growth and yield of crop plants. Several physical and chemical methods of pre-sowing treatment of seeds have been in practice…
Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) could be a game-changer for people and the world as a whole in many ways.1 Extreme weather, soil erosion, drought, and the collapse of…
Introduction Millets are a diverse group of small-grained cereals known for their nutritional benefits and ability to grow in challenging conditions. These grains, often referred…
Introduction Increasing agricultural yield is necessary to nurture the mounting population in emerging nations and frequently depends on applying chemical fertilisers. Enduring…
Introduction The second most important cultivated vegetable crop globally is tomato, around 115.95 million tons per year, as it is rich with vitamins A and C 1-4. Tomatowilt is…
Introduction Plants are exposed to numerous abiotic stresses such as low temperature, drought, salt, heat, floods, oxidative stress and heavy metal toxicity throughout their life…