Assessment of Applications

Applications are assessed based on the CV supplied. The applicant must demonstrate fluent English and hold a Ph.D. in the same area as the journal. The applicant must hold a current research/teaching position that he/she has held for at least two years relevant to the journal. Applications must demonstrate prior experience as a peer reviewer and author in the same area as the journal. Where these criteria are not met, or the CV is unclear or incomplete, the application will be declined.

Acceptance of your application is no guarantee that your peer review reports will be used by the journal’s Editor in Chief or Associate Editor. Reviewers must comply with all peer review guidelines available on this website. Failure to comply with guidelines will result in permanent disqualification by the journal’s Editor in Chief or Associate Editor.

Reviewer Recognition

  • After each successful review, we will present the reviewer with a certificate.
  • After a successful review of three or more manuscripts, we will present the reviewer with the “Outstanding  Reviewer Certificate.”
  • At the time of the issue release, we also recognize the reviewer’s contribution by listing their names in the ‘Our Reviewers’ column of the journal.
  • We would also like to ensure that after a successful review of manuscripts, we give our reviewers a relaxation of 30% on the submission charges as a reviewer.


    Your Name (required)

    Research Area (required)


    Your Email (required)

    Designation (required)

    Department (required)

    Organisation (required)

    Attach your CV (MS Word or PDF file Max:10MB)