An Assessment of Share Cropping in Paddy Cultivation- An Empirical Analysis in Burdwan District of West Bengal

Arnab Roy1, Rohit G.V2

1Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Science, GKVK, Bangalore, India.

2Dairy Economics Division, National Dairy Research Institute, SRS, Bangalore, India.

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Article Publishing History

Received: 24/01/2018
Accepted: 29/09/2018

Review Details

Reviewed by: Dr. Pramod kumar
Second Review by: Dr. Sanjay Jadav
Final Approval by: Dr. Dawn C.P. Ambrose

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Sharecropping is a practice of crop growing where a landlordagrees a tenant to use the land-dwelling in return for a share of the crops produced on that land area.Share cropping is asignificant age old agricultural practise in West Bengal.  A massive scope is there to enhance production of paddy in the study area through aggregate the productivity of the crop with the adoption of developedvarieties and improved methods of rice cultivation in owed time and space on a sustainable foundation. Results from the study showed that 26.49 per cent of the total operational holding area was put under share cropping cultivation in rice cultivation, which varied from 19.65 per cent in marginalfarmsto26.86percentinlargefarms. Thus, Share cropping in West Bengal found to be acomplementaryand supplementary source of farm revenue.There seems to be still abundant scope in the study area, to make share cropping more cost-effective as the productivity of rice crop is 2898 kg/ha quite smaller than the Punjab’s productivity (3828 kg/ha) and also smaller than Egypt which has largest productivity in the world.


Agrarian; Complimentary; Hiring Land; Share Cropping; Supplementary

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Arnab Roy A, Rohit G.V.An Assessment of Share Cropping in Paddy Cultivation- An Empirical Analysis in Burdwan District of West Bengal. Curr Agri Res 2018;6(3).. doi :

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Arnab Roy A, Rohit G.V. An Assessment of Share Cropping in Paddy Cultivation- An Empirical Analysis in Burdwan District of West Bengal. Curr Agri Res 2018;6(3). Available from:

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