Socio-Economic Analysis Based on Energy Input and Output of Mixed Cropping Systems of Bhabhar Region (Shiwalik Range of Kumaun Himalaya, India)
Kirtika Padalia, S.S. Bargali*
, Kiran Bargali
, R.S. Parihaar
Department of Botany, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital, India.
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Article Publishing History
Received: 05-06-2018
Accepted: 02-08-2018
Published Online: 02-08-2018
Review Details
Reviewed by:
Dr. Hemat kumar (India)
Second Review by: Dr. Anil Shankhwar (India)
Final Approval by:
Dr. Avtar Singh Bimbraw
In the present study, the status of energy efficiency and economy of existing agroecosystems in the Shiwalik range of Kumaun Himalaya were assessed. A large number of plant species were cultivated/maintained by the local inhabitants to conserve the diversity in agroecosystems. Agriculture was the main source of economy of the villagers. The agroforestry system provides many ecological services to enhance the socio-economic condition of the farmers. In addition, home garden is another land use system, which is very common in the area. All collected data from agricultural (inputs and outputs) were calculated and converted to energy values by using constants. In the present study, average consumption of annual energy inputs in agroforestry system (103646 MJ/ha) was approximately three times more as compared to home gardens (43056 MJ/ha). Uses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides increased the inputs manifolds. Average annual energy outputs obtained from agroforestry system (434116 MJ/ha) which was seven times more to the home gardens (57008 MJ/ha). Energy output/input ratio in agroforestry varied from 2.26 to 9.06 while in home gardens range speckled between 1.20 and 1.47. In terms of monetary budget, annual return from agroforestry and home garden systems were ₹ 95077/ha and 4201/ha, respectively. From the present study, it can be concluded that agroecosystems provides the good monetary benefits and source of employment to the villagers. The possible benefits of agriculture are raising income and thus improving status of livelihoods in Bhabhar region of Kumaun Himalaya.
Agroforestry; Cropping System; Home Garden; Land Use Pattern
Copy the following to cite this article: Padalia K, Bargali S. S, Bargali K, Parihaar R. S. Socio-Economic Analysis Based on Energy Input and Output of Mixed Cropping Systems of Bhabhar Region (Shiwalik Range of Kumaun Himalaya, India). Curr Agri Res 2018;6(2). doi : |
Copy the following to cite this URL: Padalia K, Bargali S. S, Bargali K, Parihaar R. S. Socio-Economic Analysis Based on Energy Input and Output of Mixed Cropping Systems of Bhabhar Region (Shiwalik Range of Kumaun Himalaya, India). Curr Agri Res 2018;6(2). Available from: |
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