Impact of Bio-Fertilizers on the Yield and Economics of Chrysanthemum Under real Farming Situation

D. K. Mishra1, Rakesh Jain2, A.K.Shukla3, Alok Deshwal4

1SMS (Horticulture), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kasturbagram, Indore, M.P. India.

2Farm Manager, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kasturbagram, Indore, M.P. India.

3SMS (Agronomy), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kasturbagram, Indore, M.P. India.

4Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kasturbagram, Indore, M.P. India.

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Article Publishing History

Received: 23/11/2017
Accepted: 31/01/2018
Published Online: 01-02-2018

Review Details

Reviewed by: Dr. Smritikana Sarkar
Final Approval by: Dr. Dawn C.P. Ambrose

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Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.) has earned tremendous popularity as a floral crop in Madhya Pradesh, particularly at Indore, Madhya Pradesh , India where it is being commercially cultivated as loose flowers  in open field condition during June to January. However, lower production and poor quality of flowers were observed due to haphazard and unbalanced use of inorganic fertilizers and non use of biofertilizers. With the objectives to tackle the issue of low productivity and quality of flowers, dissemination of recommended technology was successfully attempted during 2015-16 and 2016-17. The technologies of balanced use of inorganic fertilizer with bioferetilizer (Azotobactor and PSB) were used as technical intervention. The collective effect of scientific intervention revealed an average yield of 113 quintal / ha, which is 14.76 % higher over farmer’s practice. Average net returns from recommended technology were observed to be of Rs. 1, 88,100 as compared to Rs. 1, 54,350 under farmer’s practice (control). Thus, an additional income of Rs 33,750 was realized through imparted technological intervention provided in demonstration plots. Cost-benefit ratio of recommended practice (2.25) was observed to be significantly higher over farmer’s practice (2.17). Enhanced economic benefit and favorable C: B proved the economic feasibility of the technological intervention and was convincing for the farmers, for further future adoption.  At present scenario, organic fertilizers including bio fertilizers are becoming indispensable input to minimise our compulsion on synthetic fertilizers.


Biofertilizers; Chrysanthemum; Economics; Yield

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Mishra D. K, Jain R, Shukla A. K, Deshwal A. Impact of Bio-Fertilizers on the Yield and Economics of Chrysanthemum Under real Farming Situation. Curr Agri Res 2018;6(1). doi :

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Mishra D. K, Jain R, Shukla A. K, Deshwal A. Impact of Bio-Fertilizers on the Yield and Economics of Chrysanthemum Under real Farming Situation. Curr Agri Res 2018;6(1). Available from:

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