Heavy Metal Analysis in Agricultural Soils in Godavari River Basin of Rajahmundry Region, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Kandrakunta Babu1,  Sudhakar. G2 and P Vijaya Nirmala3*

1Department of Zoology, Government Degree College (A), Rajahmundry, A. P., India

2Department of Environmental Sciences, Loyola Academy, Secunderabad, Telangana India

3Department of Zoology, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry, A. P. India.

Corresponding Author E-mail:sgummadi09@gmail.com

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CARJ.11.2.21

Article Publishing History

Received: 23 Mar 2023
Accepted: 15 Jul 2023
Published Online: 24 Jul 2023

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There are many sectors that are using chemicals and increase their production to meet the needs of people in the world. The domestic, industrial, agriculture, medical and recent technological applications effluents consist of heavy metals that have high density than water  and are raising the concerns of potential effects  on the environment and also human. The soil samples are collected from Godavari river basin near Rajahmundry in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, to assess the levels of Ni, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn, Co, Pb, Cd & As to calculate soil PERI. Pearson’s correlation matrix, Contamination factor, Coefficient variations are used for evaluate contamination of pollutants & ecological risk, based on results the accumulation efficiency is very different in soils; most of the samples have high concentration. Contamination factors of heavy metals are in moderate contamination (1 ≤ 3), but the Cd shows as considerable contamination (3 ≤ 5) in Aalamuru-S5, Korumilli -S7 and Kulla-S8 soils samples. The coefficient variation was observed as (CV > 0.36) high variation in heavy metal (Cd > Cu > As > Fe > Co > Zn > Pb > Ni  >  Cr). Based on results the toxic concentrations are gradually increases in the soil samples due to over usage of chemical fertilizers and may be accumulated into crops, leads to ecological risk, finally agricultural soil are contaminating by heavy metals in our study area.


Agricultural Soil; Coefficient variation; Ecological risk; Godavari river basin; Heavy metal

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Babu K, Sudhakar G, Nirmala P. V. Heavy Metal Analysis in Agricultural Soils in Godavari River Basin of Rajahmundry Region, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Curr Agri Res 2023; 11(2). doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CARJ.11.2.21

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Babu K, Sudhakar G, Nirmala P. V. Heavy Metal Analysis in Agricultural Soils in Godavari River Basin of Rajahmundry Region, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Curr Agri Res 2023; 11(2). Available from: https://bit.ly/44zBafq


Soil is a resource in the environment that supports agricultural practices. Additionally, acted as a filter to eliminate contaminants in water that seeps into ground water aquifers that are crucial for agricultural activities, carbon storage, and water regulation1, the crop productivity and soil fertility will be increased by using fertilizers, necessary for supplying sufficient nutrients and ensuring fruitful harvests.2, the over utilization of fertilizers in agricultural fields, leads to the contamination3, 4 ,5,  this contamination increases the soil pollution and toxic levels6 ,7, these are inorganic8, naturally, with high atomic weight, the density greater than 5g/cm3.  9, these may occur naturally in soils and used to manufacture fertilizers, these fertilizers are made with heavy metals, agricultural activities are the source to depositing residues into soils10 ,11. These metals are contaminated the soils & adversely affect the ecosystem, when migrated into groundwater and taken up by flora & fauna through bio accumulation and biomagnifications. It results a great threat to ecosystems, and risk to management of soils12, 13 ,14, Heavy metals could be harmful to all living things when polluted soils are used for crop production15,16,17,18, land formation is severely hampered by intense agriculture and other human activities, which also cause the biosphere’s pollution to rise19.

The organization for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (TSDR) (2007) states that among the heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium (Cd), lead & mercury have negative consequences on health 3, 4,5,16,17, accurate predictions of metal content in soil are crucial 15,18,19. As per results of air deposition, roots may cling to crop surfaces and take up heavy metals from the soil20,21, various studies were assessed on concentration & bioaccumulation of heavy metals caused by agricultural practices, excessive pesticide or fertilizer use22, these are leached and not degradable23,24,25,26, because contaminated plants can cause cancer and chronic diseases26, metals like copper, zinc, nickel, and manganese, all of which are harmful in large amounts, and some of few heavy metals even at very small doses, mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic are hazardous substances27, these are affecting the air, water, soil, and living creatures 28,29,30.

Methodology and Method.

Study area

The research area is in East Godavari district, there are eight villages in Rajahmundry region was chosen to collect the soil samples, which is exceptionally fertile and lush green fields. It is one of Andhra Pradesh’s 12 coastal districts and a part of the Godavari delta, it has a tremendous potential for surface water resources are more commonly seen in canal-irrigated portions of the delta region composed with red clayey, deltaic alluvial and deltaic alluvium soils, all of which are grey brown to black in color and have fine to medium textures. (Figure 1) The major crops are Coconut, Banana and Paddy, as well as more vegetable crops are also practices in the study area.

Sampling method

To assess the impact on soil quality by anthropogenic activities, sample were collected from agricultural land, eight soil samples are collected in 16 agricultural farms in the month of December 2020 to July 2021. They are located in Godavari river basin, that includes Kadiyapulanka- S1 (field 1 & 2), Pottilanka-S2 (field  3 & 4), Choppella-S3 (field 5 & 6), Jonnada –S4 (field 7 & 8), Aalamuru -S5 (field 9 & 10), Kapileswarapuram -S6 (field 11 & 12), Korumilli -S7 (field 13 & 14), and Kulla-S8 (field 15  & 16) (Table 1, Figure 1 & 2). Four composite soil samples were collected from 8 sampling station, 15 kg of soil from each of the four forming areas, making a “V” type cut with shovel at a depth about 15 cm to collect thick slices of soil and exposed dirt from top to bottom then placed in a bucket. There are approximately 15 samples were collected from each sampling unit. The sample has been mixed well and removed foreign materials like pebbles, gravel and roots. The quartering technique was applied by dividing the mixed samples into 4 parts, the 2 contrary quarters are detached and remaining two quarters remixed and process has repetitive upto the desired sample size is obtain, the sample was collected in polythene bag and labeled the place of collection, date and time.

Figure 1: Study area and sampling stations map

Click here to view Figure

Figure 2: Soil sample collection point “V” Shaped cutting in the soil in the study area.

Click here to view Figure

Table 1: Sampling stations in the study area

Name of the sampling station Station No Longitude Latitude
Kadiyapulanka S1 81.8131O 16.8925 O
Pottilanka S2 81.8082O 16.9021 O
Choppella S3 81.8483O 16.7383O
Jonnada S4 81.8627 O 16.6969O
Aalamuru S5 81.8996O 16.7793O
Kapileswarapuram S6 80.8641O 16.3232O
Korumilli S7 81.9108O 16.7541O
Kulla S8 82.0068O 16.7541O


The calcium chloride solution (0.15%) used as extractant to analyse soil samples31. The heavy metals concentrations are determined by using an AAS (Lab-India AAS 8000. Make (model): Varian (AA240FS)), diethylene triamine penta acetic acid extractant used for assessed Fe, Zn and Cu in soil samples32. The instrument AAS was utilized for estimation of Fe, Zn and Cu, the glass ware are cleaned with 10 % HNO3 solution & distil water33,34, the standard and blank samples are made with analytical grade chemicals and reagents. The device was calibrated with a heavy metal blank of different concentrations and a reference standard. A blank and standard sample was run to ensure quality, the analysis were performed in three times.

Estimation of contamination and ecological risk.

An estimation of metal pollution in soil samples by calculating Contamination Factor, Coefficient Variation, PERI35,36.

Contamination Factor (CF)

The CF was calculated using follow Equation … (1), it is a ratio of particular metal content -Ci, Cb-is a background value of such metal 37,38.

CF= Ci/Cb       ……….(1)

Table 2: CF Classification.

Concentration levels Un-contaminated slight moderate considerable strong Very-strong
CF (Individual- metal) Less than are equal to 0 (≤ 0) 0 less than are equal to 1 (0≤1) 1 less than are equal to 3


 3 less than are equal to 5


5 less than are equal to 6


greater than 6


Coefficient Variation (CV),

The level of human interference is clarified using the coefficient of variation. It is inversely correlated with human intervention, which is the more extensive category of human activity39. It has been categorized into 3 categories, CV< 0.15 are low variation, 0.15 < CV < 0.36 are medium variation & CV > 0.36 are high variation are estimated as per Eq. (2). 36,40.

CV= Standard Deviation/Mean  …….(2)

Soil Contamination Assessment.

Contamination of heavy metals status in collected soil sample was assessed with PERI. This is a process to recognize the impact of pollutants (heavy metals) in Agricultural soils using the formula showed that in Eqs. (3) & (4). PERI is the risk index in ecologically and elucidate as the sum of the PERI (Ei) of various metals, categorization of PERI was showed in Table 3.41.

PERI = Σ Ei   ……(3)

Ei= Ti(Ci/ C0)  …….(4)

The following metals have different toxic response factors: Ni, Cu, Pb-5, Cd-30 Cr-2, Fe-1, & Zn- 1. Ci is a level of the trace metal in soils, and C0 is background concentration of trace metals in collected samples of agricultural soils. Ei is PERI of a specific trace metal present in soil sample, RI is Risk Index.

Table. 3: PERI Classification.

Risk-R low- level moderate level considerable level high-level very High
Ei <40 40≤80 80≤160 160≤320 ≥320
RI ≤150 150<RI≤300 300<RI≤600 >600

Results and discussion

Trace metals (heavy metals) are harmful to the environment & put nature in peril. This essay focuses on harmful impact of heavy metals on agricultural soils, including toxic effects of Cd, Pb, Cu, zinc (Zn), Cr, cobalt (Co), As, Ni, and Fe.22

Pb can be found in rocks that are rich in phosphate and superphosphate a powerful affinity for organic material, the concentration of Pb in samples were observed as S4-88.29 ppm > S1-85.45 ppm > S8-83.27 ppm> S6-77.88 ppm > S3-72.16 ppm > S2-60.14ppm > S5, S7-57.92 ppm and the mean, standard deviation levels are 12.755 ± 72.878. The high content acceptable for lead in soil samples is 70 mg/kg-1 as per WHO standards. The higher levels are pointing towards the anthropogenic activities and natural sources. It may be elated a large distance from the source to sink point by volatilizing at high temperatures42&38. It will change the soil pH43 &44, affected the soil absorption capacity & reduce fertility of the soil45,46,47,48.

The Iron concentration at different sampling stations is below the standard level as per WHO. The minimum and maximum levels are observed in S1-10882.7mg/kg-1, S4 – 22038.6 mg/kg-1 in study area, higher levels are observed in S4>S5>S8>S7 samples, the mean and standard deviation levels are 4571.72±16889.1, similar studies results are by 18,38&49. Higher levels were observed in all sampling stations, because the major sources is rock systems, high organic matter and continuous usage of inorganic fertilizers for good crop productivity in agricultural region 50,51, the addition of fertilizers and compost is also increases Iron in soil samples 49,52.

Zinc is an essential element to organisms, Zn levels were observed as higher to lower levels in the study area are S3>S1>S2 > S8 >S6>S4>S6>S7, the maximum levels are reported in S3-324.23 ppm, S1-257.34 ppm, S2-254.87 ppm , S7- 204.77 ppm indicated in Table 4 & Fig 5 . The mean and standard deviation is 224.583 ± 52.103 (Table 2 & fig 3). The Zn will increase by highly leached acidic soils. There are four samples have higher values remaining are in the below standard limit in the soil samples. Zn concentration in soils is raised by drain water, municipal waste water; industrial effluents utilized for irrigation, over usesage of Zn sulphate fertilizers might be cause for high level of Zn in agricultural soils leads to change the physic chemical parameters in soils. 53largely contributed by anthropogenic activities like agricultural practices54 human activities53, excess Zn may alter the bicarbonate and organic matter contents, prevent organisms from producing certain enzymes, and change the pH of the soil55&56. Similar studies were observed that higher concentrations in soils57,58.

Typically, nickel is viewed as a geogenic element59, mostly connected to the crystalline network of basic minerals60. Nickel concentration in soil samples are as follow S1> S2> S5 > S7> S8 >S4 > S6> S3 sowed in figure 4, there are four samples have higher levels due to over usage of fertilizers and human activities53, the mean and standard deviation is 12.492 ± 75.673 indicated in Table 2 and fig 3.

The major contribution of Cu is agricultural practices53, and derived from anthropogenic activities54, higher cupper levels are observed in S6 > S2 > S4 > S5 remaining all samples are below the standard limit as per the WHO standards indicated in fig 3 & 5, the mean and standard deviation values are 9.313 ± 27.511 (table 2 & fig 4). Cu might be attributed to the use of Cu containing and irrigation by sewage 61,62, high concentration of Cu may be affected the soil micro organisms, change urease activity and oxidation potential63, 64,65, damage the earthworms 66,67 Northern Tanzania’s cultivated soils were found to have accumulated significant amounts of copper Northern Tanzania’s cultivated soils were found to have accumulated significant amounts of copper 68.

The Cd concentration is very high in soils due to irrigation drains along with sewage17, 69,70. The cadmium concentration levels in the present study soils samples have slightly concentration, the mean and standard deviation levels are 0.610  ± 1.15, the samples S1 & S8 have the minimum and maximum levels of the cadmium, due to over usage of chemical fertilizers its concentration had been increased. Cadmium is found in phosphate fertilizers71,72. It (Cd+2) Effects in soils and kill microorganisms, increase the Earthworm mortality73, absorb organic matter, as well as change the soil physicochemical characteristics74, 75, 76 , 77. It enters the food chain by being absorbed by cereal-based crops such as rice and other crops such as vegetables.

The cobalt levels are slightly higher than the standard limit, the mean & standard deviation of cobalt was observed as 4.11173 ± 15.5663, and the maximum concentration observed in S5 > S2 > S1 sampling stations. Few samples are below the standard levels of WHO in soil samples38,78.

Chromium levels in the present soil samples has been observed slightly higher levels in S3-127.82 ppm > S1 -118.85 ppm > S8- 112.72 ppm > S4-108.91 ppm,  reaming four samples have lower levels of the chromium, the minimum level of Cr was found in S6-73.94 ppm, the mean and standard deviation levels are  103.741 ± 17.0258. The high concentration of Cr was by using the waste water for irrigation in agricultural regions and dumping of waste from chemical industries in the drain.38 similar studies stated that high concentration of Cr affected the soil microorganisms79&80. Arsenic levels in the present study area observed as S4-15.21 ppm> S3-14.78 ppm> S8-13.27ppm are higher levels and the S6< S1< S7< S2 and S5 are have the minimum levels of the Arsenic, and the mean, standard deviation levels are 3.10689 ± 11.0325. Arsenic pollution is not a major concern81. The major source of Arsenic was the industrial activities and their products such fungicides, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides82, 83. Over usage of these may cause the soil pollution,

Anthropogenic and geogenic sources are distinguished as the two main sources of the metal relationship 84, 85&86. The overall higher levels were observed in S1- Kadiyapulanka, S4- Jonnada, and S8- Kula, the Mean levels in soil are obaserved in the order like Zn>Cr>Ni>Cu>Pb>Fe>Co>As> Cd.  An average & standard deviation in study area are Iron, Zinc, Chromium, Nickel, lead, Copper, Cobalt, Arsanic and Cadmium. were 16889.1 ± 4571.72mg kg-1, 224.583 ± 52.103mg/kg-1, 103.741 ± 17.0258 mg/kg-1, 75.6738 ± 12.4923mg/kg-1, 72.8788 ±12.7551mg/kg-1, 27.5113 ± 9.31357 mg/kg-1, 15.5663 ± 4.11173mg/kg-1, 11.0325 ± 3.10689mg/kg-1 and  1.15125 ± 0.61096mg kg-1, respectively., It has assumed that long term exposure to high level of arsenic (As) damages the organs of organisms per trace metal levels in soil samples11.The Copper (Cu) & lead (Pb) was impaired the immunity as well as fertility87 .This may be due to the Pb added to gasoline in the past, as well as the low sensitivity of analytical methods used for measurement An increased efficiency of metal pollutants in crops are very different like rice, banana, Vegetables, and in commercial crops 88,89 &90, but the contaminations are very easy in paddy than other crops91.Which suggest regular rice consumption is a significant risk to the health based on the concentration in soil samples92.

Lead in soils is found in various forms, such as the ionic form in soil solution, exchangeable in organic and inorganic matrixes, structural components of mineral lattices, and insoluble precipitates 45,93, Mining and related activities discharge large amounts of wastewater and solid waste to the environment, which often contain Pb94. Thus, Pb enters into soils through atmospheric diffusion, surface runoff flushing, and weathering95.

Contamination Factor (CF)

Soil Pollution indices make it simple to gauge the degree of soil pollution18, the present study samples are observed as contamination by heavy metals, as per the classification (Table 2) Ni, Pb, Cr, Zn, As, Co and Cu metals were moderate contamination but the Cd is considerable contamination in S5, S7 and S8 soils samples (table 4) which indicated that agricultural soil are contaminating by the heavy metals. Hence, the fertilizers utilization should be decrease in agricultural sector.

Coefficient Variation (CV)

The categorization of coefficient Variation like (< 0.15) is low variation, (0.15 <0.36) is medium & (>0.36) was high variation found in order like Cd > Cu > As > Fe > Co > Zn > Pb>Ni> Cr with values 0.530691 > 0.338537 > 0.281612 > 0.27069 > 0.264144 > 0.231999 > 0.175019 > 0.165082 > 0.164118. Based on the categorization Cd is in the high variation remaining all metals are in medium variation in soil samples, indicates that the input of metals by anthropogenic activities in study area, and it shows heterogeneous occurrence40.

Potential ecological risk index

The PERI was calculated for Pb, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, Cr, Cu & As, results are indicated in table 6 and 7, as per the categorization of risk index (Table- 3), the values of PER index found to be highest for Cd in S2, S3, S5, S7 and S8 samples, The high level of Cd in fertilizers become a source for its enrichment in soil samples82. Which indicates the carcinogenic problems will rise in the organisms 96, as well as low risk to moderate risk has been observed in all sampling stations in study area, toxic concentrations are gradually increasing & accumulate into to crops leads to ecological risk in study region.

The findings showed that the percentage of Cu, Pb and Cd are considerably enriched in soil. According to study of Mohammed97 fertilizers and pesticide residuals are increases the toxicity in agricultural soils98 , the distribution of heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd, & Zn), were found by colombian researchers in soil sample99. The similar study have been observed in soils samples wide-ranged as follows Zn>Cr>Ni>Pb>Hg> Cd 99,100,101,102,103,104, Heavy Metal content in study area soils are very high, due to over use of fertilizers, both natural & human activities contribute heavy metals into soil105,106, 107,108.

Pearson’s correlation was widely used to know similarity to find interrelationship of parameters, the correlation analysis was showed in table 6. Cr – Co, Zn, Fe, Cd, Pb and As has positive correlation, Arsanic having positive correlation with Cr, Fe, Cd, Zn, Pb & Co. Cu has positive relation with Ni, Cd has positive correlation between Ni and Fe. A significant positive correlation was observed in agricultural soils is usage over usage of fertilizers, the Pb, and As are accumulated by using fertilizers109. The correlation coefficient of Cr-Zn (0.559), Zn-Co (0.5609) As-Fe (0.5514) were greater than 0.5. The positively correlation was observed in between heavy metals (p < 0.01). A relatively negative correlations were noticed between (Pb – Ni), (Pb – Cu), (Pb – Co), (Cd – Zn), (Zn – Cu), (Ni – Zn), (Cr – Ni), (Cu – Cd), (Fe – Co), (Fe – Ni), (Fe – Cu) and so on in table 6. It indicates the less significant correlations between heavy metal, due to affect of different pollutant source 80,110,111.

Table 4: Minimum, Maximum, Mean and SD

Pb Zn Ni Cu Co Fe Cd Cr As
Min 57.92 159.83 55.81 13.82 10.28 10882.7 0.23 73.94 6.73
Max 88.29 324.23 91.37 38.63 19.81 22038.6 1.82 127.82 15.21
Mean 72.8788 224.583 75.6738 27.5113 15.5663 16889.1 1.15125 103.741 11.0325
SD 12.7551 52.103 12.4923 9.31357 4.11173 4571.72 0.61096 17.0258 3.10689

Table 5: Correlation of the heavy metals

  Pb Zn Ni Cu Co Fe Cd Cr As
Pb 1
Zn 0.1996 1
Ni -0.36 -0.2909 1
Cu -0.041 -0.3245 0.4181 1
Co -0.356 0.5609 0.369 -0.1759 1
Fe -0.133 -0.5975 -0.2017 -0.2579 -0.254 1
Cd -0.393 -0.6996 0.1456 -0.1076 -0.202 0.778 1
Cr 0.3422 0.5592 -0.2253 -0.7095 0.4282 0.1086 -0.2699 1
As 0.2247 0.2717 -0.5994 -0.5742 0.0194 0.5514 0.23602 0.6295 1

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

Table 6: Contamination Factor values.

CF  value Pb Zn Ni Cu Co Cd Cr As
S1 ***M ***M ***M ***M ***M **S ***M **S
S2 ***M ***M ***M ***M ***M ***M ***M ***M
S3 ***M ***M **S **S ***M **S ***M ***M
S4 ***M ***M ***M ***M **S ***M ***M ***M
S5 ***M ***M ***M ***M ***M ****C ***M ***M
S6 ***M ***M ***M ***M **S ***M **S **S
S7 **S **S ***M ***M **S ****C ***M ***M
S8 *** ***M ***M **S ***M ****C ***M ***M

** Slight contamination, ***Moderate contamination, ****Considerable contamination

Table 7: Coefficient Variation (CV)

Pb Zn Ni Cu Co Fe Cd Cr As
CV 0.175019 0.231999 0.165082 0.338537 0.264144 0.27069 0.530691 0.164118 0.281612

Table 8: Classification of Potential Ecological Risk

Ei&Ri Values S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
Pb low low low low low low low low
Zn low low low low low low low low
Ni low low low low low low low low
Cu low low low low low low low low
Co low low low low low low low low
Cd low Considerable low Considerable Considerable Moderate Considerable Considerable
Cr low low low low low low low low
As low low low low low low low low
Ri = ∑Ei low low low low Moderate low Moderate Moderate

* L –Low level, **M-Moderate level, ***C- Considerable level

Table 9: Potential ecological risk index values.

Ei S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
Pb 7.283 5.126 6.150 7.525 4.936 6.638 4.936 7.097
Zn 1.425 1.411 1.795 1.099 1.0149 1.133 0.885 1.183
Ni 7.027 6.839 4.292 5.104 6.363 5.190 6.332 5.411
Cu 8.818 10.350 4.031 9.600 9.165 11.268 6.595 4.372
Co 15.578 16.289 15.745 8.968 16.573 8.600 9.972 12.457
Cd 15 87.391 28.043 86.739 105.652 46.956 112.173 118.695
Cr 2.629 2.012 2.8276 2.409 2.209 1.635 2.142 2.493
As 8.478 11.074 15.922 16.385 11.074 7.250 10.600 14.295
Ri 66.240 140.494 78.809 137.833 156.991 88.675 153.639 166.008
Figure 3: Min and Max values of Heavy metals                          

Click here to view Figure 

Figure 4: Min, Max, Mean and SD of Fe in soil sample

Click here to view Figure 

Figure 5: Concentration of trace metals in soil sample

Click here to view Figure


Soil samples are collected for analyse the heavy metals concentrations and calculated the soil ecological risk index, results are showing enrichment of (heavy) trace metals like Fe>Zn> Cr>Ni>Pb>Cu>Co>As>Cd, most of the samples have high concentrations. The Pearson’s correlation matrix showed that significant strong correlation in between the heavy metals and influenced by each other metal. The contamination factor indicated soil samples were found to be contaminated, that is moderate contamination of heavy metal except Cd., it is in considerable contamination in S5, S7 and S8 soil samples. The coefficient variation was observed as high variation in metals concentration like Cd > Cu > As > Fe > Co > Zn > Pb > Ni > Cr, based on the categorization, here also Cd is in high variation remaining all metals are in medium variation and showing heterogeneous occurrence of metals. Potential ecological risk index was observed very high for Cd in S2, S5, S7 and S8 samples based on the PERI categorization. Based on the result analysis heavy metals concentrations are gradually increasing and may be accumulated into crops leads to ecological risk in study area due to over usage of chemical fertilizers, which indicated that agricultural soil are contaminating by the heavy metals. Hence, the fertilizers utilization should be decrease in agricultural sector. 


Authors are grateful to School of Life and Health Sciences at Adikavi Nannaya University in Rajamahendravaram provided the required resources to conduct research.

Conflict of interest

The authors declared no conflict of interest.

Funding Sources

There are no funding sources.


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AASAtomic Absorption Spectroscopy

PERIPotential Ecological Risk Index

CFContamination factor

CVCoefficient variation

TSDR -Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

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